I always wondered, when you program a sub and pass to it 3 parameters:
sub test(name, adress, phone)
'=== process stuff
end sub
Then you call it several time in your program
call sub("wildboy", "555", "555-5555")
But then, you want to add one more parameter to the sub, but you have to change each line where you call the sub :(
I found how to bypass this with a type
Here is how i call a sub to format a range in excel and i can pass more or less parameters
Actually i pass the same number of parameters but shhh don't tell anyone
If i pass less parameters, i can always add a on error resume next to verify if the variable existe in the type
inside the sub
So i pass a variable of a certain TYPE to the sub
I can change the type number of variables without changing the call to the sub
and if i dont use a variable in the type in my sub, i just have to check if contain nothing
Of course by default, my sub must process empty variables of the type as a negative (0)
So the sub will process new variables i added to the type only if it contain something that will require a new processing in the sub without me having to change each line that call the sub in the main program
(read the precedent line twice if your head exploded the first time)
First, define a type in excel vba:
'---------------- start code excel vba excel 2007 ALT F11 insert code
Type range_formatting_type
'=== call rngfor(lineinside (0 or 1), rng01, linestyle (full line, half line etc), weight (thickness), color (foreground), colorindex (background))
line_inside As Integer '=== draw separative lines inside the range (0 = false)
line_outside As Integer '=== draw line outside (0 = false)
range As Excel.range '=== range to format and draw lines
line_style As Integer '=== 0 = half line
'=== 1 = plain line
line_weight As Integer '=== thickness?
line_color As Integer '=== line color
cell_background As Integer '=== colorindex, cell background color
font_color As Integer '=== color of letters inside the cell/range
End Type
'--------------- end code
'=== Before calling the sub, define a variable of this type:
'-------------- start code
sub main()
Dim format01 As range_formatting_type
format01.line_inside = 1
format01.line_outside = 1
Set format01.range = Excel.range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 10))
format01.line_style = 1
format01.line_weight = 3
format01.line_color = 1
format01.cell_background = 35 'green
format01.font_color = 0
Call rangeformatting(format01)
end sub
'-------------- then the sub
Sub rangeformatting(format01 As range_formatting_type)
'format01.line_inside = 0
'format01.line_outside = 1
'format01.range = rng01
'format01.line_style = 1
'format01.line_weight = 3
'format01.line_color = 1
'format01.cell_background = 35
'format01.font_color = 0
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = format01.line_style
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = format01.line_weight
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = format01.line_style
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = format01.line_weight
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = format01.line_style
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = format01.line_weight
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = format01.line_style
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = format01.line_weight
If format01.line_inside = 1 Then
format01.range.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = format01.line_style
format01.range.Borders(xlInsideVertical).Weight = format01.line_weight
format01.range.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = format01.line_style
format01.range.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).Weight = format01.line_weight
format01.range.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone
'rrng01.Borders(xlInsideVertical).Weight = 2
format01.range.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlLineStyleNone
'rrng01.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).Weight = 2
End If
'=== green
'col01 = &H10C010
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Color = format01.line_color
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Color = format01.line_color
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Color = format01.line_color
format01.range.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Color = format01.line_color
format01.range.Interior.ColorIndex = format01.cell_background
End Sub
'----------------- end code
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