i did the conversion array vbs to sql in one table
the past few months i worked on a jagged array in vb.net 2012 (in vs 2012)
usually, a jagged array only contain arrays in vb.net
but i needed more, i needed string followed by an array to be able to use recursiveness
so the code call itself when it encounter an array, but continue when it encounter a string
if you use object type, you can do a jagged array containing string and arrays
so i used this mixed jagged array to create terms in sharepoint 2013
the array of objects looked like this: (vb.net)
the GUID in the brackets are unique GUID wich i use to create sharepoint terms
note: arapro is another array with project terms
note: arasec is an array with sectors in our enterprise
as we want to "tag" our files with the product type, the sector, if it's a model or reference, and finally, what type of realisator did it
i wanted fixed GUID because when you redo all because the term tree change, you want to preserve the link the files (or any library object) have with the term tree
Dim ara01() As Object = {"STAS {C0C329A0-1881-4C49-A5D4-0ED0E02259C5}", _
New Object() {"ProjetsStas {620BAB20-C4D1-4FD1-9782-BF981EFF4BC3}", _
New Object() {"224235_Produits {" & termGUId224235.ToString & "}", _
New Object() {"Type {7532C15C-F12B-4650-B55A-F00F17EB45A6}", _
New Object() {"Modèle {A4385F1E-69B4-4BEA-ABAA-4F40B7488E55}", "Référence {2092E26E-AB98-4581-92E4-9B658C5BD73B}"}}, _
New Object() {"Réalisateur {A7E95AD4-1827-4B46-9947-81986B69DBCD}", _
New Object() {"Ing. {44970D98-D53D-4538-ACFD-4A811299AE30}", "Produit {267A4178-C37C-486F-93C1-73DA6EE7C803}", "Mec {6FEA1110-A7D3-4C19-A037-3819436952BF}"}}, _
New Object() {"Produit {9A3E07FB-A893-47C8-8003-FBE10546E694}", arapro}, _
New Object() {"Secteur {FF26A0AF-B8EF-4542-B9A2-F3B8D35E9A23}", arasec} _
} _
} _
the code is recursive and call itself when it encounter an array inside the initial array
you have to create the initial term group before calling on the recusrsiveness, so the object passed to the recursive call is a sub array
code must be run on sharepoint server
Call recurterms(ara01(1)(1), term, site, lang, store)
recursive sub that create a term tree according to a jagged/string array:
---------------- vb.net vs 2012 code ---------------- recursive call to create term tree in sharepoint
Sub recurterms(aara As Object, tterm As Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.Term, ssite As Object, lang As Integer, ByRef termstore As Taxonomy.TermStore)
Dim eelelef As String
Dim eeleguid As String
Dim nnewTermId As Guid
Dim ttermbefore As Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.Term
'=== this sub is recursive
'=== aara is an array of objects that can contain a string or an array (up to infinite level of depth)
'=== tterm is a term object (not a group, not a termset)
'=== ssite if the sharepoint site (not used for now)
'=== sublvl is a GLOBAL variable so it is the same in all recursiveness
Dim tot As Integer
Dim caca As Object
For Each caca In aara
tot = tot + 1
Dim ii As Integer = 0
For Each eele In aara
If Not IsArray(eele) Then
'=== skip first element because it is the name (As string) of the group that contain the sub groups (Array)
' If InStr(eele, "MSDS") <> 0 Then
'End If
If Not (sublvl = 0 And ii = 0) Then
If InStr(eele, "{") <> 0 Then
eelelef = Mid(eele, 1, InStr(eele, "{") - 2) '=== left part of this element - name only
eeleguid = Mid(eele, InStr(eele, "{"), InStr(eele, "}") - InStr(eele, "{") + 1)
nnewTermId = New Guid(eeleguid)
'=== generate a new guid because it was not with the name enclosed in {}
eelelef = eele
nnewTermId = Guid.NewGuid()
End If
'MsgBox(sublvl & vbCrLf & IsNothing(tterm) & vbCrLf & eelelef)
objfil03.WriteLine(New String(" ", sublvl * 3) & "sublvl:" & sublvl & "---" & eelelef)
ttermbefore = tterm.CreateTerm(eelelef, lang, nnewTermId)
End If
ii = ii + 1
'=== the object is an array, we recursively call this same sub, incrementing the depth level (sublvl)
sublvl = sublvl + 1
ii = ii + 1
If IsNothing(ttermbefore) Then ttermbefore = tterm
Call recurterms(eele, ttermbefore, ssite, lang, termstore)
End If
sublvl = sublvl - 1
End Sub
i am not posting the whole code, as this is a job project, not a personal project
coding this was not hard, but a little long to find the right objects to use to manipulate sharepoint
(expecially the ones to apply multiple managed terme to a file i just imported from ntfs)
after this, i made another code to import files in sharepoint 2013 and tag the file with multiple managed terms
that was very tricky as i saw no such code in vb, outside sharepoint
this code is a command line compilation in vb.net 4.5 with visual studio 2012 for sharepoint 2013
i doubt anyone but a real pro will be interested in such advanced stuff
but if you are interested in the whole code, i might write an article on expert exchange
most of the codes that can do this on internet are not free, and without the source :(
the goal is to migrate all our file system in sharepoint adn use managed metadata to tag all files and be able to find them from different perspectives in the term tree (by product, by sector etc)
also sharepoitn 2013 approval and versionning major and minor are very attractives :)
we plan to do a library for each product
some view to be able to reach documents cross library
a reference library with no approval where we can see all drafts
the product library will have view to see product file and references from other library where draft can be seen
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