I was tired of managing multiple versions of modules installed in my powershell
When multiple version of a module are installed, powershell sometimes call the wrong version of the module and end up with a command not found in the old version.
Here is a function to Verify, uninstall, install and upgrade powershell modules:
# module verify, update or get
function moduleverifgetupdate
param($modulearr01, $versionminimumarr01, $versionupgradetolatestarr01, $verbosesub01)
function moduleverify
param($module01, $verbosesub01)
$modules02 = Get-Module $module01 -ListAvailable | Select-Object Name,Version | Sort-Object Version
$found01 = 0
$foundsameversion01 = 0
foreach($module02 in $modules02)
### find module in installed modules
if($module02.name -eq $module01)
$msg01 = "Module found...: " + $module02.name + " " + $module02.version.tostring()
if($verbosesub01 -eq 1){write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow}
### check version
if($module02.version -eq $versionminimum01)
# uninstall cause it's not the right version
$foundsameversion01 = 1
return $found01, $foundsameversion01, $modules02
#$module = Get-Module AzureIoT* -ListAvailable | Select-Object Name,Version | Sort-Object Version
for($i=0; $i -lt $modulearr01.count; $i++)
$module01 = $modulearr01[$i]
$versionminimum01 = $versionminimumarr01[$i]
$versionupgradetolatest01 = $versionupgradetolatestarr01[$i]
$msg01 = "Module requis to find...: " + $module01 + " " + $versionminimum01.tostring()
if($verbosesub01 -eq 1){write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow}
$found01, $foundsameversion01, $modules02 = moduleverify $module01 $verbosesub01
#write-host $found01 $foundsameversion01
# found or not found or found same version or foudn a different version
$msg01 = "found01...: $found01 Foundsameversion01...: $foundsameversion01"
if($verbosesub01 -eq 1){write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# manage if found and if same version
# if more than one module with same name is found, we flush them all
if($found01 -gt 1)
$msg01 = "Module found MULTIPLE VERSIONS, uninstalling bad versions..."
if($verbosesub01 -eq 1){write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow}
for($i2=0; $i2 -lt $modules02.count; $i2++)
$modulename02 = $modules02[$i2].name
$versionminimum02 = $modules02[$i2].version
### find module in installed modules
if($modulename02 -eq $module01)
### check version
if($versionminimum02 -ne $versionminimum01)
$msg01 = "Module found to ininstall...: " + $modulename02 + " " + $versionminimum02.tostring()
if($verbosesub01 -eq 1){write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# uninstall cause it's not the right version
Uninstall-Module $module01 -requiredversion $versionminimum02 -force
# install module if not found
if($found01 -eq 0)
install-module $module01 -requiredversion $versionminimum01 -force
# upgrade module to the right version (dunno if this will install back versions)
if(($found01 -eq 1) -and ($foundsameversion01 -eq 0) -and ($versionupgradetolatest01 -eq $true))
update-module $module01 -force -RequiredVersion $versionminimum01
$found01, $foundsameversion01, $modules02 = moduleverify $module01 $verbosesub01
$msg01 = "found01...: $found01 Foundsameversion01...: $foundsameversion01"
if($verbosesub01 -eq 1){write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow}
if(($found01 -eq 1) -and ($foundsameversion01 -eq 1))
$msg01 = "Module installed...: " + $module01 + " " + $versionminimum01.tostring()
if($verbosesub01 -eq 1){write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor green}
Write-Error $_
#$msg01 = $modules01.version
#Write-Host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow
} # module wanted array
} # function
# main
# param modules to install or upgrade or replace
[string[]]$modulearr01 = "AzureIoT"
[string[]]$versionminimumarr01 = ""
[string[]]$versionupgradetolatestarr01 = $false
#[string[]]$modulearr01+= "module22"
#[string[]]$requiredversionarr01+= "2"
#[string[]]$versionupgradetolatestarr01+= $false
# test
$verbosesub01 = 1
#$dummy = moduleverifgetupdate $modulearr01 $versionminimumarr01 $versionupgradetolatestarr01 $verbosesub01
$dummy = moduleverifgetupdate $modulearr01 $versionminimumarr01 $versionupgradetolatestarr01 $verbosesub01
write-host "ERROR module install $_"-ForegroundColor Red
break all
$testcommands01 =
# fake install to check for double when installing
install-module azureiot -requiredversion "" -force
Get-Module "azureiot" -ListAvailable | Select-Object Name,Version | Sort-Object Version
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