Monday, March 9, 2020

powershell recursive html report with jagged array of psobjects

Recursive html report (made with jagged array of psobject)

When you print, header and footer will repeat each page

Requis: google chrome (for printing)

At the moment it scan for windows code and office code and put it in the report

$title01 = "report psobject html xml jagged recursive colored"
# this recursive script will:
# take a psobject with sub psobjects that contain data about a report
# put the main psobject in a html table, all sub psobject are replaced with a text
# color any html cell we want to warn about certains things (errors, warnings) in main html/xml hybrid object and all sub html/xml objects
# convert back the main html/xml table into an html report
# insert back all sub html/xml tables (once they were colored)
# generate final html report, printable in google chrome only, with a table format and sheet format compatible for print with header and footer

# parameters
# scan office keys
#$computers01 = @("mav03", "mav06", "mav09", "mav10", "mav14", "mav16", "mav18", "mav19")
$computers_local01 = @("localhost","caca")

# requis
### Enable-PSRemoting

#powershell.exe -command Enable-PSRemoting -SkipNetworkProfileCheck -force
#Enable-PSRemoting -SkipNetworkProfileCheck -force

#Test-WSMan -ComputerName <IP or host name>

# on HOST ########################################## tooo!
# Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value '*'

# color for html report if this string is found, html td color is changed
# possible colors are defined in $style01
[string[]]$error_message_arr = "WARNING"
[string[]]$error_color_arr = "yellow" # yellow
[string[]]$error_message_Arr+= "ERROR"
[string[]]$error_color_arr+= "red" # red
[string[]]$error_message_arr += "cacasss"
[string[]]$error_color_arr += "yellow" # yellow
[string[]]$error_message_arr += "00:00:00"
[string[]]$error_color_arr += "yellow" # yellow
[string[]]$error_message_arr += "inprogress"
[string[]]$error_color_arr += "yellow" # yellow
[string[]]$error_message_arr += "pending"
[string[]]$error_color_arr += "yellow" # yellow
[string[]]$error_message_Arr+= "failed"
[string[]]$error_color_arr+= "red" # red
[string[]]$error_message_Arr+= "true"
[string[]]$error_color_arr+= "red" # red
[string[]]$error_message_Arr+= "unknow"
[string[]]$error_color_arr+= "red" # red

# error management object
$error01 = New-Object PsObject
$error01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name number -value ''
$error01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name description -value ''
$error01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name error02 -value ''

# logfile
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$scriptname = split-path -leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$Logfilename = $scriptname + "_log.txt"
$logfile = $scriptPath + "\" + $Logfilename
$logall = 1

$msg01 = "START " + $title01
write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Green
if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile}catch{}}

# get domain name to check for hyper-v or esx vmware on each client
# (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain
$domain01 = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain

# function color xml html table

function color_xml_table([xml]$ttable)
    for($trcnt02=1; $trcnt02 -le $; $trcnt02++)
        for($tdcnt02=1; $tdcnt02 -le $[$trcnt02].td.Count; $tdcnt02++)
            #write-host "td" $[$trcnt02].td.Count
            # having 1 item reverse y and x in a table
            if($[$trcnt02].td.Count -eq 1)
                # cannot index element if there is only one
                $item03 = $[$trcnt02].td
                $item03 = $[$trcnt02].td[$tdcnt02]

            for($errorcnt = 0; $errorcnt -lt $error_message_arr.count; $errorcnt++)
                $error_message = $error_message_arr[$errorcnt]
                if($item03 -like "*$error_message*")
                    #write-host "changed color" $error_color_arr[$errorcnt] -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # having 1 item reverse y and x in a table
                    if($[$trcnt02].td.Count -eq 1)
    return $ttable

function ConvertTo-ProductKey
        Converts registry key value to windows product key.
        Converts registry key value to windows product key. Specifically the following keys:
            SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId
            SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId4
    .PARAMETER Registry
        Either DigitalProductId or DigitalProductId4 (as described in the description)
        Author: Zachary Loeber
        Original Author: Boe Prox
        Version: 1.0
         - Took the registry setting retrieval portion from Boe's original script and converted it
           to this basic conversion function. This is to be used in conjunction with my other
           function, get-remoteregistryinformation
     PS > $reg_ProductKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
     PS > $a = Get-RemoteRegistryInformation -Key $reg_ProductKey -AsObject
     PS > ConvertTo-ProductKey $a.DigitalProductId
     PS > ConvertTo-ProductKey $a.DigitalProductId4 -x64
        Retrieves the product key information from the local machine and converts it to a readible format.
    param (
    begin {
    process {
        $ProductKey = ""

        $prodkey = $Registry[0x34..0x42]

        for ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--)
            $r = 0
            for ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--)
                $r = ($r * 256) -bxor $prodkey[$j]
                $prodkey[$j] = [math]::Floor([double]($r/24))
                $r = $r % 24
            $ProductKey = $map[$r] + $ProductKey
            if (($i % 5) -eq 0 -and $i -ne 0)
                $ProductKey = "-" + $ProductKey

# get all programs installed on the computer
function getallprograms01($vm_name01)

    $result01 = @()

    $msg01 = "PROGRAM (getting 64 bits programs) pssession opened"
    if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}

    $remote_command01 = "try {Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate, @{Name = 'type'; Expression = {`"64 bits`"}} } catch {throw `$_}"
    $remote_command_block01 = [scriptblock]::Create($remote_command01)

    $job_program64 = Invoke-Command -asjob -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock $remote_command_block01 -ErrorAction stop | Get-Job
    $results01 = $job_program64| Wait-Job -timeout $jobtimeout01 | Receive-Job
    $job_program64 | remove-job

    $msg01 = "PROGRAM (getting 32 bits programs) pssession opened"
    if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}

    $remote_command01 = "try {Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate, @{Name = 'type'; Expression = {`"32 bits`"}} } catch {throw `$_}"
    $remote_command_block01 = [scriptblock]::Create($remote_command01)

    $job_program32 = Invoke-Command -asjob -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock $remote_command_block01 -ErrorAction stop | Get-Job
    $results01 += $job_program32 | Wait-Job -timeout $jobtimeout01 | Receive-Job
    $job_program32 | remove-job

    return $result01


# clean up bad caracter in psobject

function psobject_cleanup01($psobject01)
    #write-host "cleaning"
    # get properties names of this object (columns names)
    $properties = $null
    $properties = $psobject01 | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

    foreach($line in $psobject01)
        for($elecnt02 = 0; $elecnt02 -lt $properties.count; $elecnt02++)
            # when encountering a replaced sub object, we dont care if there is an error because it's a string that will be replaced later anyway by a table
            try{$line.($properties[$elecnt02]) = $line.($properties[$elecnt02]).tostring()}catch{}
            try{$line.($properties[$elecnt02]) = $line.($properties[$elecnt02]) -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ,.!"/$%?&()_+=-]', ''}catch{}
            $line.($properties[$elecnt02]) = $line.($properties[$elecnt02]) -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9 ,.!"/$%?&()_+=-]', ''
    return $psobject01

function report_object_replacements01
    # will detect object within array
    # substitute them a text
    # at final step, with a xml manipulation, replace all text with a html table so the report can have subtables
    $global:recurse_level01 = 0
    $global:item_to_replace_index01 = 0
    $global:replace_arr01 = @()

    #convert to html
    #$object01 = $args[0]

    $file10 = $scriptPath + "\" + $scriptname + ".htm"

    $msg01 = "Type level 0: " + $object01.GetType().Name
    #write-host $msg01
    if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}       
    if($object01.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]")
        $object_total = 0
        for($elecnt = 0; $elecnt -lt $object01.count; $elecnt++)
            $msg01 = ""
            if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}       
            if($object01[$elecnt].GetType().Name -eq "Object[]")
                $msg01 = "Object, calling recurse from main loop"
                write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $object01[$elecnt] = report_object_replacements_recursive01($object01[$elecnt])
                #write-host "cleaning: " $object01[$elecnt] -ForegroundColor Magenta
                $object01[$elecnt] = psobject_cleanup01($object01[$elecnt])
                # this is not an object, we do not recurse
                #$msg01 = "not an object"; write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Green
        #if($object_total -eq 0)
        #    write-host "cleanup non-recursive"
        #    $object01 = psobject_cleanup01($object01)
        write-host "ERROR report_html_with_subtables The first param is not an object[]" -ForegroundColor Red

    $htmlfile01 = $object01 | ConvertTo-Html -Head $header
    $htmlfile01 | Out-File $file10
    #write-host "type: " $htmlfile01.GetType().Name
    #write-host $file10
    return $file10


function report_object_replacements_recursive01($object02)
    $msg01 = "In recursive level: " + $global:recurse_level01
    write-host $msg01
    if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}
    if($object02.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]")
        $object_total = 0

        for($elecnt01 = 0; $elecnt01 -lt $object02.count; $elecnt01++)
            if($object02[$elecnt01].GetType().Name -eq "Object[]")
                $msg01 = "Object, calling recurse from recurse"
                write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Yellow
                #$global:replace_arr01+= $object02[$elecnt01]
                $object02[$elecnt01] = report_object_replacements_recursive01($object02[$elecnt01])
                #$object02[$elecnt01] = psobject_cleanup01($object02[$elecnt01])
                #write-host "cleaning recursive: " $object02[$elecnt01] -ForegroundColor Magenta
                $object02[$elecnt01] = psobject_cleanup01($object02[$elecnt01])
                #$msg01 = "not an object"; write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Green
                #$object02[$elecnt01] = psobject_cleanup01($object02[$elecnt01])

        $replacement_text01 = "replace with" + $global:item_to_replace_index01
        $replacement01 = New-Object PsObject
        $replacement01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value $replacement_text01

        $msg01 = "Replacing sub table with replacement text: " + $replacement_text01
        #write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $global:replace_arr01+= ,$object02
        $object02 = $replacement01

        #write-host $object02 -ForegroundColor Magenta
        write-host "not an object RECURSE CALLED FOR NOTHING" -ForegroundColor Green
    return $object02


function replace_sub_table_xml($xml02)
    for($trcnt=0;$trcnt -lt $;$trcnt++)
        # change color if certain keywords are found in html cell
        for($tdcnt=0;$tdcnt -lt $[$trcnt].td.Count;$tdcnt++)
            # cannot index element if there is only one
            if($[$trcnt].td.Count -eq 1)
                # cannot index element if there is only one
                $item02 = $[$trcnt].td
                $item02 = $[$trcnt].td[$tdcnt]

            # color item
            for($errorcnt = 0; $errorcnt -lt $error_message_arr.count; $errorcnt++)
                $error_message = $error_message_arr[$errorcnt]
                if($item02 -like "*$error_message*")
                    #write-host "changed color" $error_color_arr[$errorcnt] -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # cannot index element if there is only one
                    if($[$trcnt].td.Count -eq 1)

            if($item02 -like "*replace with*")
                #write-host "....... xml" -ForegroundColor Red
                $replace_index01 = $item02.split("replace with")[$item02.split("replace with").GetUpperBound(0)]
                #write-host "replace index01: " $replace_index01 -ForegroundColor Blue
                #write-host "replacement: " $global:replace_arr01[$replace_index01]
                #$test = $global:replace_arr01[$replace_index01] | ConvertTo-Html -fragment
                [xml]$dummyxml = $global:replace_arr01[$replace_index01] | ConvertTo-Html -fragment
                [xml]$dummyxml = replace_sub_table_xml_recurse([xml]$dummyxml)

                # RECURSE HERE if there is a sub text for replacement
                $[$trcnt].ChildNodes[$tdcnt].innertext = ""
                $imported = $xml02.ImportNode($dummyxml.DocumentElement, $true)
                ### prod (sub table in column 1)
                #$[$trcnt].ChildNodes[$tdcnt+1].AppendChild($imported) | out-null
                ### test (sub table in last column)
                $[$trcnt].ChildNodes[($[$trcnt].td.Count)-1].AppendChild($imported) | out-null

    return $xml02

function replace_sub_table_xml_recurse($xml01)
    for($trcnt=0;$trcnt -lt $;$trcnt++)
        #write-host "recurse xml" -ForegroundColor Red
        # change color if certain keywords are found in html cell
        for($tdcnt=0;$tdcnt -lt $[$trcnt].td.Count;$tdcnt++)
            # cannot index element if there is only one
            if($[$trcnt].td.Count -eq 1)
                $item03 = $[$trcnt].td
                $item03 = $[$trcnt].td[$tdcnt]

            # color item
            for($errorcnt = 0; $errorcnt -lt $error_message_arr.count; $errorcnt++)
                $error_message = $error_message_arr[$errorcnt]
                if($item03 -like "*$error_message*")
                    #write-host "changed color" $error_color_arr[$errorcnt] -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # cannot index element if there is only one
                    if($[$trcnt].td.Count -eq 1)

            if($item03 -like "*replace with*")
                #write-host "recurse xml" -ForegroundColor Red
                #write-host "recurse xml" -ForegroundColor Red
                $replace_index01 = $item03.split("replace with")[$item03.split("replace with").GetUpperBound(0)]
                #write-host "replace index01: " $replace_index01 -ForegroundColor Blue
                #write-host "replacement: " $global:replace_arr01[$replace_index01]
                #$test = $global:replace_arr01[$replace_index01] | ConvertTo-Html -fragment
                [xml]$dummyxml = $global:replace_arr01[$replace_index01] | ConvertTo-Html -fragment
                [xml]$dummyxml = replace_sub_table_xml_recurse([xml]$dummyxml)

                # RECURSE HERE if there is a sub text for replacement
                $[$trcnt].ChildNodes[$tdcnt].innertext = ""
                $imported = $xml01.ImportNode($dummyxml.DocumentElement, $true)
                #$[$trcnt].ChildNodes[$tdcnt+1].AppendChild($imported) | out-null
                ### test (sub table in last column)
                $[$trcnt].ChildNodes[($[$trcnt].td.Count)-1].AppendChild($imported) | out-null

    return $xml01

function papersize01($size01, $orientation01)
    #write-host "orientation: " $orientation01 -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $paper01 = New-Object PsObject
    $paper01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name orientation -value ''
    $paper01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name height -value ''
    $paper01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name width -value ''
    $paper01 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name size -value ''

    If($size01 -eq "ledger" -Or $size01 -eq "11x17" -Or $size01 -eq "tabloid" -Or $size01 -eq "tabloïd")
    #Tabloid / US, B / ANSI B   11 x 17 279 x 432
        $paper01.size = "tabloid"
        If ($orientation01 -eq "portrait")
            $paper01.orientation = "portrait"
            $paper01.height01 = "432"
            $paper01.width01 = "279"
            $paper01.orientation = "landscape"
            $paper01.height = "279"
            $paper01.width = "432"
    ElseIf($size01 -eq "letter" -Or $size01 -eq "lettre" -Or $size01 -eq "us letter")
        $paper01.size = "us letter"
        If ($orientation01 -eq "portrait")
            $paper01.orientation = "portrait"
            $paper01.height = "297"
            $paper01.width = "210"
            $paper01.orientation = "landscape"
            $paper01.height = "210"
            $paper01.width = "297"
    ElseIf($size01 -eq "legal")
        $paper01.size = "legal"
        If ($orientation01 -eq "portrait")
            $paper01.orientation = "portrait"
            $paper01.height = "356"
            $paper01.width = "210"
            $paper01.orientation = "landscape"
            $paper01.height = "210"
            $paper01.width = "356"
        $paper01.size = "us letter"
        If( $orientation01 -eq "portrait")
            $paper01.orientation = "portrait"
            $paper01.height = "297"
            $paper01.width = "210"
            $paper01.orientation = "landscape"
            $paper01.height = "210"
            $paper01.width = "297"
    return $paper01

function web_report($wrp02)
    # web report

    $paper01 = papersize01 "letter" "portrait"

    $paper01size = $paper01.size
    $paper01orientation = $paper01.orientation
    $paper01height = $paper01.height + "mm"
    $paper01width = $paper01.width + "mm"

$pagesetup01 = @"
margin: 0.2in 0.2in 0.2in 0in;
size:$paper01size $paper01orientation;
HTML body
height:$paper01height;width:$paper01width;margin: 0.2in 0in 0in 0.2in;

    $leftsidewidth01 = "15"
    $rightsidewidth01 = "15"
    [string]$middlewidth01 = 100 - $leftsidewidth01 - $rightsidewidth01
    # thead
#$thead01 = @"
#<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" border=1 CELLSPACING=1 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none;$wrp02.header_title_line_style01'>"
#<td width=""" + $leftsidewidth01 + "%""><img style='"

    $thead01 = ""
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<THEAD>" + "`n"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<TR id=""t01""><th id=""t01"">" + "`n"
    #=== table inside header only
    #$thead01 = $thead01 + "<table id=""tr02"" width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" border=1 CELLSPACING=1 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none;" + $wrp02.header_title_line_style01 + "'>" + "`n"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<table id=""tr02"" width=""100%"" CELLSPACING=1 cellpadding=2 style='" + $wrp02.header_title_line_style01 + "'>" + "`n"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<tr>" + "`n"
    #=== left side image
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<td width=""" + $leftsidewidth01 + "%""><img style='"
    If($wrp02.header_left_image_percenty01 -gt 0)
        $thead01 = $thead01 + "height: " + $wrp02.header_left_image_percenty01 + "%;"
    If($wrp02.header_left_image_percentx01 -gt 0)
        $thead01 = $thead01 + "width: " + $wrp02.header_left_image_percentx01 + "%;"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "object-fit: contain' "
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "src=""" + $wrp02.header_left_image_path01 + """ ></td>" + "`n"
    #=== title
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<td width=""" + $middlewidth01 + "%"">"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<font size=""5"">" + $wrp02.header_title_line01 + "</font><br>"
    #=== second title
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<font size=""3"">" + $wrp02.header_title_line02 + "</font></td>" + "`n"
    #=== right side image
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "<td width=""" + $rightsidewidth01 + "%""><img style='"
    If($wrp02.header_right_image_percenty01 -gt 0)
        $thead01 = $thead01 + "height: " + $wrp02.header_right_image_percenty01 + "%;"

    If($wrp02.header_right_image_percentx01 -gt 0)
        $thead01 = $thead01 + "width: " + $wrp02.header_right_image_percentx01 + "%;"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "Object-fit: contain' "
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "src=""" + $wrp02.header_right_image_path01 + """></td>" + "`n"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "</tr>"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "</table>" + "`n" #=== header
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "</th></TR>" + "`n"
    $thead01 = $thead01 + "</THEAD>" + "`n"
    # tfoot
    $tfoot01 = ""
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "<TFOOT style='" + $wrp02.footer_style01 + "'>`n"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "<TR id=""t01""><th id= ""t01"">"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "<table id=""t01"" width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" border=1 CELLSPACING=1 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none;" + $wrp02.footer_table_style01 + "'>" + "`n"
    #$tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "<tr style = 'page-break-inside: avoid;'>"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "<td width=""25%"" style='text-align: center;'>" + $wrp02.footer_left01 + "</td>" + "`n"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "<td width=""50%"" style='text-align: center;'>" + $wrp02.footer_middle01 + "</td>" + "`n"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "<td width=""25%"" style='text-align: center;'>" + $wrp02.footer_right01 + "</td>" + "`n"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "</tr>"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "</table>"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "</th></TR>"
    $tfoot01 = $tfoot01 + "</TFOOT>" + "`n"

    # html header

# not used anymore
#$header = @"
#TABLE{page-break-after: always;border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
#TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;foreground-color: black;background-color: LightBlue}
#TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;foreground-color: black;background-color: white}{background-color:#d5f2d5}{background-color:#e0eaf1}{background-color:#ffd7de}

#tr02{border-bottom:1px solid black;border-right:1px solid black;background-color: LightBlue;border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
#td02{border-bottom:1px solid black;border-right:1px solid black;background-color: LightBlue;border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}

#tr02{border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: LightBlue;border-width: 1px;border-spacing: -1px;}
#td02{border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: LightBlue;border-width: 1px;border-spacing: -1px;}

$style01 = @"
#t01{width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse;border:none;background-color: White}
TABLE{border-spacing:0;page-break-after: always;border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;foreground-color: black;background-color: LightBlue}
TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;foreground-color: black;background-color: White}
TR{page-break-inside: avoid;}
#tr02{padding: 5px;background-color: white;border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;position: relative;}

#<table id=""t01"" width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" border=0 CELLSPACING=1 cellpadding=2>
#$style01 = ""

$body = @"
<table id="t01" CELLSPACING=1 cellpadding=2>
<tbody id="DATA">
<tr id="t01"><td id="t01">
    return $body

# main

# elevation Self-elevate the script (pop-up will ask for elevation)
if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator'))
    if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000)
        $CommandLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
        Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine

$level0_arr = @()
$level1_arr = @()
$level2_arr = @()

# level 0
$level0_obj = New-Object PsObject
$level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '1'
$level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name test -value 'test1'

$level0_arr += $level0_obj.PSObject.Copy()

$level0_obj = New-Object PsObject
$level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '2'
$level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name test -value 'test2'

$level0_arr += $level0_obj.PSObject.Copy()

    ############# level 1
    $level1_obj = New-Object PsObject
    $level1_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '3'
    $level1_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name test -value 'sub 0 test3'

    $level1_arr += $level1_obj.PSObject.Copy()

    $level1_obj = New-Object PsObject
    $level1_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '4'
    $level1_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name test -value 'sub 0 test4'

    $level1_arr += $level1_obj.PSObject.Copy()

        ############# level 2
        $level2_obj = New-Object PsObject
        $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '5'
        $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name test -value 'sub 1 test5'

        $level2_arr += $level2_obj.PSObject.Copy()

        $level2_obj = New-Object PsObject
        $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '6'
        $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name test -value 'sub 1 test6'

        $level2_arr += $level2_obj.PSObject.Copy()

        $level1_arr += ,$level2_arr

$level0_arr +=,$level1_arr

# pssession parameters
[string]$dummy = $null
$jobtimeout01 = 3*60 #( 3 minutes)
$OpenTimeoutMSec01 = 5000
$OperationTimeoutMSec01 = 180000 # 3 minutes
$PSSessionOption01 = New-PSSessionOption -OpenTimeout $OpenTimeoutMSec01 -OperationTimeout $OperationTimeoutMSec01

$prod01 = 1
if($prod01 -eq 1)
    # get windows key from bios
    #$msg01 = "sub array value...: " + $level0_arr[2][2][1][0].test #= id 6 sub1 test 6
    #$msg01 = "sub array value...: " + $level0_arr[2][0][0] #= id 6 sub1 test 6
    #Format-Custom -InputObject $level0_arr
    #write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Magenta
    $level0_arr = @()
    $id01 = 0
    if ($domain01 -eq "workgroup")
        # not in a domain, use a local login for pssession
        $Username = "$vm_name01\adminlocal"
        $Password = 'Lamaisondelapizza'
            $SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force

        # LOCAL login and password
        $MySecureCreds = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Username,$SecureString

        $computers01 = $computers_local01
    foreach($computer01 in $computers01)
        # open pssession to ask each computer
        $error01.number = 0
            if($domain01 -eq "workgroup")
                $s2 = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer01 -SessionOption $PSSessionOption01 -Credential $MySecureCreds -erroraction stop
                write-host "Pssession openning: " $computer01 -ForegroundColor Magenta
                $s2 = New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer01 -SessionOption $PSSessionOption01 -erroraction stop
            #$error01.number = 1
            #write-host "ERROR Pssession openning: " $computer01 -ForegroundColor red
        if($s2 -ne $null)
            # oscaption (operation system name)
            $remote_command01 = "try {(Get-WMIObject Win32_OperatingSystem -erroraction stop).caption} catch {throw `$_}"
            $remote_command_block01 = [scriptblock]::Create($remote_command01)

            $job_caption = Invoke-Command -asjob -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock $remote_command_block01 -ErrorAction stop | Get-Job
            $results01 = $job_caption | Wait-Job -timeout $jobtimeout01 | Receive-Job
            $job_caption | remove-job
            $oscaption = $results01

            $level0_obj = New-Object PsObject
            $level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value $id01
            $level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name computer_netbios_name -value $computer01
            $level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name type -value $oscaption
            $level0_arr += $level0_obj.PSObject.Copy()

                # licence windows from bios
                $level1_obj = New-Object PsObject
                $level1_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '1'
                $level1_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name data -value "licences"
                $level1_arr = @()
                $level1_arr += $level1_obj.PSObject.Copy()

                    # licence windows from bios
                    $level2_obj = New-Object PsObject
                    $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value 'windows from bios'
                    # bios windows code (or other codes in bios)
                    $remote_command01 = "try {(Get-WmiObject -query 'select * from SoftwareLicensingService').OA3xOriginalProductKey} catch {throw `$_}"
                    $remote_command_block01 = [scriptblock]::Create($remote_command01)

                    $job01 = Invoke-Command -asjob -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock $remote_command_block01 -ErrorAction stop | Get-Job
                    $results01 = $job01 | Wait-Job -timeout $jobtimeout01 | Receive-Job
                    $job01 | remove-job
                    $bios_keys = $results01
                    $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name data -value $bios_keys
                    $level2_arr = @()
                    $level2_arr += $level2_obj.PSObject.Copy()

                    # windows key from registry
                    $level2_obj = New-Object PsObject
                    $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value 'windows from digitalid'

                    $path01 = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
                    #$a = Get-RemoteRegistryInformation -Key $reg_ProductKey -AsObject
                    $remote_command01 = "try {get-ItemProperty -Path `"$path01`" -erroraction stop} catch {throw `$_}"
                    $remote_command_block01 = [scriptblock]::Create($remote_command01)

                    $job01 = Invoke-Command -asjob -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock $remote_command_block01 -ErrorAction stop | Get-Job
                    $results01 = $job01 | Wait-Job -timeout $jobtimeout01 | Receive-Job
                    $job01 | remove-job
                    $a= $null
                    $a = $results01
                    #$a = get-ItemProperty -Path $path01 -erroraction stop
                    $digital_id_key =""
                    $digital_id_key = ConvertTo-ProductKey $a.DigitalProductId
                    #ConvertTo-ProductKey $a.DigitalProductId4 -x64

                    $level2_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name data -value $digital_id_key
                    $level2_arr += $level2_obj.PSObject.Copy()

                    # office find ospp.vbs to find key
                    # 15 = office 2016
                    [string[]]$office_all_ospp01 = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS"
                    [string[]]$office_all_ospp01+= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS"
                    [string[]]$office_all_ospp01+= "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS"
                    [string[]]$office_all_ospp01+= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS"
                    $office_ospp_found01 = -1
                    for($osppcnt = 0; $osppcnt -lt $office_all_ospp01.count; $osppcnt++)
                        # check if ospp.vbs exist
                        $office_ospp01 = $office_all_ospp01[$osppcnt]

                        $msg01 = "Checking if path exist: " + $office_ospp01
                        write-host $msg01
                        $remote_command01 = "try {Test-Path `"$office_ospp01`"} catch {throw `$_}"
                        $remote_command_block01 = [scriptblock]::Create($remote_command01)

                        $job01 = Invoke-Command -asjob -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock $remote_command_block01 -ErrorAction stop | Get-Job
                        $results01 = $job01 | Wait-Job -timeout $jobtimeout01 | Receive-Job
                        #write-host "job status: " $job01.StatusMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        $job01 | remove-job

                        #write-host "result...: " $results01

                        if ($results01 -eq $true)
                            $office_ospp_found01 = $osppcnt
                    $office_ospp02 = $office_all_ospp01[$office_ospp_found01]
                    if($office_ospp_found01 -ne -1)
                        # office key(s) last five digits
                        #$productKey=cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" /dstatus | Select-String -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % {$_.Value}
                        #$productKey=cscript $office_ospp01 /dstatus
                        #c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" /dstatus
                        $remote_command01 = "try {c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe `"$office_ospp02`" /dstatus} catch {throw `$_}"
                        $remote_command_block01 = [scriptblock]::Create($remote_command01)

                        $job01 = Invoke-Command -asjob -Session $s2 -ScriptBlock $remote_command_block01 -ErrorAction stop | Get-Job
                        $results01 = ""
                        $results01 = $job01 | Wait-Job -timeout $jobtimeout01 | Receive-Job
                        #write-host "job status: " $job01.StatusMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        $job01 | remove-job
                        #break all
                        $alllines = $results01.split("`n")
                        [string[]]$productid = @()
                        $skuid01 = @()
                        $licensename01 = @()
                        $keys01 = @()
                        foreach($line01 in $alllines)
                            #write-host $i " " $line01
                            if($line01 -like "*PRODUCT ID*")
                                $productid += $line01.Split(" ")[$line01.Split(" ").GetUpperBound(0)]
                            if($line01 -like "*sku id*")
                                $skuid01 += $line01.Split(" ")[$line01.Split(" ").GetUpperBound(0)]
                            $tag01 = "LICENSE NAME: "
                            if($line01 -like "*$tag01*")
                                $licensename01 += $line01.replace($tag01, "")
                            if($line01 -like "*Last 5 characters of installed product key*")
                                $keys01 += $line01.Split(" ")[$line01.Split(" ").GetUpperBound(0)]



                        #$office_key = $results01 | Select-String -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % {$_.Value}

                        $level22_arr = @()
                        for($liccnt01=0; $liccnt01 -lt $keys01.count; $liccnt01++)
                            $level22_obj = New-Object PsObject
                            $level22_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value 'office'
                            $level22_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name productid -value $productid[$liccnt01]
                            $level22_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name skuid -value $skuid01[$liccnt01]
                            $level22_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name licensename -value $licensename01[$liccnt01]
                            $level22_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name data -value $keys01[$liccnt01]
                            $level22_arr += $level22_obj.PSObject.Copy()
                        $msg01 = "ERROR did not find ospp.vbs"
                        write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Red
                        $level22_arr = @()
                        $level22_obj = New-Object PsObject
                        $level22_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value 'office'
                        $level22_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name ERROR -value $msg01
                        $level22_arr += $level22_obj.PSObject.Copy()
            #$TEST = New-Object PsObject
            #$test | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value '1111'
            # 1 line for each type of licences
            $level1_arr += ,$level2_arr
            $level1_arr += ,$level22_arr
            $level0_arr += ,$level1_arr

            #$level0_arr[1][1].data = "test"
            #$level0_arr[1].data = "test" #$level1_obj #.PSObject.Copy()

            #$msg01 = "sub array value...: " + $level0_arr[1].data
            #write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Magenta

            #$level0_arr[1][1] = "test"

            #$level0_arr =,$level1_arr
        } # pssession not null
            $msg01 = "ERROR could not open a pssession on " + $computer01 + ". Try powershell enable-psremoting on the machine"
            if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}
            write-host $msg01 -ForegroundColor Red

            $level0_obj = New-Object PsObject
            $level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name id -value $id01
            $level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name computer_netbios_name -value $computer01
            $level0_obj | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name type -value $msg01
            $level0_arr += $level0_obj.PSObject.Copy()
        $s2 = $null
    } # for each computer01 in computers01

    #$level0_arr += ,$level1_obj

    #$level0_arr = get-wmiobject -class win32_logicaldisk | select deviceid, freespace, size, volumename
} # prod01
# get installed programs
#$properties = @('DisplayName', 'DisplayVersion', 'Publisher', 'InstallDate', "EstimatedSize") #, 'DisplayVersion', 'Publisher', 'InstallDate'
#$level0_arr = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object $properties

#write-host "before" -ForegroundColor Yellow

# test content of jagged array
#$level0_arr[2][2][1] = id 6 sub1 test 6

# replace sub object with texts to be able to generate html table
$file01 = report_object_replacements01($level0_arr)

$msg01 = "Number of items to replace: " + $global:item_to_replace_index01 + " count: " + $global:replace_arr01.count
#write-host $msg01
if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}

# inspect elements
for($elecnt02 = 0; $elecnt02 -lt $global:replace_arr01.count; $elecnt02++)
    $msg01 = "Ele: " + $elecnt02 + " " + $global:replace_arr01[$elecnt02]
    #write-host $msg01
    if ($logall -eq 1) {try{(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $msg01 | Out-File $logfile -append}catch{}}

# main html table
[xml]$level0_arr_xml01 = $level0_arr | ConvertTo-Html -fragment

# put back each object in a html sub table
$level0_arr_xml01  = replace_sub_table_xml($level0_arr_xml01)

$body = ""
$htmlfile02 = ""

# page setup for web print thead tfoot with logo

$wrp02 = New-Object PsObject # stand for web report parameters

$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_title_line01 -value 'Audit microsoft licenses'
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_title_line02 -value 'Rapport'

$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name paper01 -value 'letter'
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name orientation01 -value 'portrait'

$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_title_line_style01 -value ''

$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_left_image_percentx01 -value '70'
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_left_image_percenty01 -value '0'
#$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_left_image_path01 -value ''
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_left_image_path01 -value ''

$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_right_image_percentx01 -value '70'
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_right_image_percenty01 -value '0'
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name header_right_image_path01 -value ''

$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name footer_style01 -value ''
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name footer_table_style01 -value ''
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name footer_left01 -value ''
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name footer_middle01 -value ''
$date01 = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name footer_right01 -value $date01

# object containing jagged objects
$wrp02 | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name data -value $level0_arr_xml01.innerxml

$body = web_report($wrp02)

$htmlfile02 = ConvertTo-Html -Body $body

$htmlfile02 | Out-File $file01
& $file01

# futur search jquery
#var allRows = $("tr");
#$("input#search").on("keydown keyup", function() {
#  allRows.hide();
#  $("tr:contains('" + $(this).val() + "')").show();

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