I wanted to extract all VBA modules from Microsoft ACCESS to be able to use GIT for versionning my VBA code
Here is a VBA macro to extract all module in a subfolder called:
[current directory of access file]\VBAProjectFiles
In microsoft access4
new module
copy paste this code in the module
run it
every file will be overwritten each time, but eh, GIT will see what line were added and deleted in each module
Access to VBA models in options, confidentiality center
-------------------- VBA module99 ---------------------------------
Option Compare Database
' exportation des modules VBA pour push dans GIT
Public Sub exportVBAlinebyline()
path00 = CurrentDb.Name
pathend00 = InStrRev(path00, "\")
path01 = Left(path00, Len(path00) - (Len(path00) - pathend00))
filename00 = Right(path00, (Len(path00) - pathend00))
filename01 = Replace(filename00, ".", "")
' The reference for the FileSystemObject Object is Windows Script Host Object Model
' but it not necessary to add the reference for this procedure.
Dim objfso As Object
Dim file01 As Object
Dim strMod As String
Dim mdl As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Set up the file.
' SpFolder is a small function, but it would be better to fill in a
' path name instead of SpFolder(Desktop), eg "c:\users\somename\desktop"
path02 = path01 & "VBAProjectFiles"
If objfso.FolderExists(path02) = False Then
err01 = 0: err02 = "": On Error Resume Next
objfso.createfolder path02
err01 = Err.number: err02 = Err.Description: On Error GoTo 0
'=== folder already exist
End If
If err01 = 0 Then
'=== list of all modules
Set file01 = objfso.CreateTextFile(path01 & "\" & filename01 & "_liste.txt")
'=== For each component in the project ...
For Each mdl In VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
'=== list of all modules
file01.writeline mdl.Name
Set file02 = objfso.CreateTextFile(path02 & "\" & mdl.Name & ".txt")
'=== using the count of lines ...
i = VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(mdl.Name).CodeModule.CountOfLines
'=== put the code in a string ...
If i > 0 Then
strMod = VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(mdl.Name).CodeModule.Lines(1, i)
End If
'=== and then write it to a file, first marking the start with
'=== some equal signs and the component name.
file02.writeline strMod
'=== Close eveything
Set objfso = Nothing
MsgBox ("ERROR cannot create folder: " & vbCrLf & path02)
End If
End Sub