Sunday, April 3, 2016
dynamic powershell web interface
########################## ps_web_interface.ps1 ##############################
# 2017-10-22
# corrected a bug thet prevented command line powershell to manipulate internet explorer buttons
# 2017-09-17
# for inner html to work, you need to install office 2013
# since office 2013 is not installed on a server, i will make it work without it (for frame clearing)
# 2017-02-11
# added id to buttons because in microsoft edge, name was not the same as id
# 2016-04-03
# added some innerhtml to clear frames properly
# 2016-04-02
# First draft of the powershell version of my web interface for network administrators
### manifest
# powershell web interface for a network administrator
# par: serge.fournier(a)
# 2016-03-28
### DEscription:
# A powershell script to use internet explorer as interface for more powershell scripts
# It start internet explorer, divide it in 3 frames (flef, fmid and fbot)
# In the left frame, there is control buttons
# In middle frame (up) you can input some data to be processed
# (it's just some textbox in html that return their results to powershell)
# In the bottom frame, you can display the processing or the results of your scripts
### requirements
# because this script is not signed
# (this will allow unsigned local powershell scripts to run)
# windows 7
# Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned #################################
# windows 10
# Set-ExecutionPolicy -scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned ##############
# run it in powershell ISE interface
### powershell error in english
# Update-Help -UICulture en-US
# [Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = 'en-US'
# variables typed
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
$arguments = "& '" + $myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'"
Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments
add-type @"
public struct oieparamin01
public int height01;
public int width01;
public string[] arabutnam;
add-type @"
public struct oieparamout01
public object oie;
public object flef;
public object fmid;
public object fbot;
add-type @"
public struct dynamicformparamout
public string[] arabutnam;
public string[] araresults;
# wait for com object OIE to be ready
function isoieready($oie)
$millisec = 50
While (($oie.ReadyState -ne 4) -and ($oie.hwnd -ne $null)) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $millisec}
While (($oie.busy) -and ($oie.hwnd -ne $null)) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $millisec}
return $oie.hwnd
# internet explorer
function makenewOIE($oieparamin01)
$oieparamout01 = new-object oieparamout01;
# start ie object
$oie = new-object -com InternetExplorer.Application
$oie.FullScreen = $False
# wait for a time then fatal error if iexplore does not get created
$timeout01 = 0
#$ieStatus01 = Get-ProcessWithOwner iexplore
$oIE.left=0 # window position
$ = 0 # and other properties
$oIE.height = $oieparamin01.height01
$oIE.width = $oieparamin01.width01
$oIE.menubar = 1 #=== no menu
$oIE.toolbar = 1
$oIE.statusbar = 1
$oIE.RegisterAsDropTarget = $True
$oie.document.title = "Powershell Web Interface"
# calculate for ie to take all screen but a small lane of 10% up top
# get screen resolution
# work only in powershell ISE or as admin (presumably)
[void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
[void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
$Screens = []::AllScreens
$DeviceName = $Screens[0].DeviceName
$oiewid = $Screens[0].Bounds.Width
$oiehei = $Screens[0].Bounds.Height
$IsPrimary = $Screens[0].Primary
$sizwidpercent = 100
$sizheipercent = 95
$loswid = 100-$sizwidpercent
$loshei = 100-$sizheipercent
$newwid = $oiewid*$sizwidpercent*.01
$newhei = $oiehei*$sizheipercent*.01
# this stuff work in ISE console but not outside of it
try {$oie.document.parentwindow.resizeto($newwid,$newhei)} catch {}
$newx = $oiewid * $loswid * .01 /2
$newy = $oiehei * ($loshei/2) * .01 /2
try {$oie.document.parentwindow.moveto($newx, $newy)} catch {}
$oie.visible = $true
$dummy = isoieready($oie)
$doctit = "Powershell Web Interface"
$h = "<HTML>"
$h+="<HEAD><TITLE>" + $doctit + "</TITLE>"
$h+="<meta content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"" http-equiv=""Content-Type"">"
$h+="<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=8"">"
$h+="<FRAMESET id='main' COLS=""13%, *"">"
$h+="<FRAME SRC=""About:Blank"" NAME=""left"" id=""left"">"
$h+="<frameset id='main2' rows=""30%,70%"">"
$h+="<FRAME SRC=""About:Blank"" NAME=""middle"" id=""middle"">"
$h+="<FRAME SRC=""About:Blank"" NAME=""bottom"" id=""bottom"">"
$oIE.document.documentelement.innerhtml = $h
#if (isoieready($oie)) {$oie.document.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
#if (isoieready($oie)) {$oie.document.IHTMLDocument2_write("<br>")}
$dummy = isoieready($oie)
# get ie version by register base
# get ie file version, 9 and before does not act like 10 and after for frame objects
$fileversion = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe").FileVersion
$finddot = $fileversion.indexof(".")
$fileversion2 = $fileversion.substring(0,$finddot)
#start-sleep -m 100
if (($fileversion2 -eq "10") -or ($fileversion2 -eq "11") -or ($fileversion2 -eq "12"))
#$flef = $oie.parent.document.getElementByid("left").document.documentelement # not working in frame...
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " Before getting frames" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef = $oie.parent.document.getElementByid("left").contentdocument}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$fmid = $oie.parent.document.getElementByid("middle").contentdocument}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$fbot = $oie.parent.document.getElementByid("bottom").contentdocument}
#if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef = $oie.parent.document.getElementByid("left").document.contentdocument}
# set crefra = oie.parent.document.getElementByid(ffranam).contentdocument
#$flef = $oie.parent.document.getElementByid("left").contentdocument
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " After getting frames" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
#set crefra = oie.parent.document.getElementByid(ffranam).contentdocument
if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef = $oie.document.frames("left").document}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$fmid = $oie.document.frames("middle").document}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$fbot = $oie.document.frames("bottom").document}
### buttons to display in web interface
#$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write("arabutnam of 0: " + $arabutnam[0])
$h = "<html><body>"
#$h+="<body background=""" & basedir & "LOGO-background.jpg"">")
$h+="<h3><span class=SpellE>" + $maitit + "</span></h3>"
$h+="<form name='form1'>"
if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
$i = 0
foreach ($element in $arabutnam)
$h = "<input type=""hidden"" id=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + """ name=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + """ value=""0"">"
$h+= "<input type=""button"" style=""height:50px;font-size:14px;white-space: normal;width:100%;"" value=""" + $arabutdes[$i] + """ " #name=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + """
$h+= "onclick=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + ".value=1"""
if ($i -gt $arabutnam.getupperbound(0))
if ($a -ne $lasdep)
#=== new departement name
if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef.IHTMLDocument2_write("<br>" + $a + "<br>")}
$h+=" style=""background-color: #" + $aradepcol[$i2] + "; color: #000000;""><br>"
if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
$h = "</form>" + "</body>" + "</html>"
if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
$oieparamout01.oie = $oie
$oieparamout01.flef = $flef
$oieparamout01.fmid = $fmid
$oieparamout01.fbot = $fbot
return $oieparamout01
# dynamicform in html
function dynamicform()
#dynamicform($pardescription, $parname, $pardefault, $partype, $parbuttons, $parvalidation, $parsuffix)
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " dynamic form generation" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
$dynamicformparamout01 = new-object dynamicformparamout;
#$global:resbutstr = ""
$resbut = 0
$validation = 0
$result= $null
if ($validation -eq 0)
$h= "<body>"
$h+= "<html>"
# focus on a textbox (usually the first one)
$h+= "<BODY onLoad=""document.form01." + $parname[0] + ".focus()"">"
$h+= "<div class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>"
$h+= "</div>"
$h+= "<form name=form01>"
# input fields/textbox
$i = 0
foreach ($element in $parname)
$h+= $parprefix[$i] + ": "
$h+= "<input type=" + $partype[$i] + ""
$h+= " id=" + $parname[$i]
$h+= " NAME=""" + $parname[$i] + """ size=""20"" value=""" + $pardefault[$i] + """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"""
$col = "blue"
$h+= " <b><span style='color:" + $col + "'> " + $parsuffix[$i] + "</span></b><br style='mso-special-character:line-break'>"
$h+= "<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]><style='mso-special-character:line-break'>"
$h+= "<![endif]></p>"
# button ok and cancel
$i = 0
foreach ($element in $parbuttons)
$typ01 = "button"
$h+= "<input type=""hidden"" id=""" + $element + """ name=""" + $element + """ value=""0"">"
$h+= "<input type=""" + $typ01 + """ value="" " + $element + " "" "
$h+= "onclick=""" + $element + ".value=1"">"
#$h+= "<input type=""" + $typ01 + """ name=""" + $element + """ value="" " + $element + " "">"
$h+= "   "
#$h = "<input type=""hidden"" id=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + """ name=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + """ value=""0"">"
#$h+= "<input type=""button"" style=""height:50px;font-size:14px;width:100%;"" value=""" + $arabutdes[$i] + """ " #name=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + """
#$h+= "onclick=""" + $arabutnam[$i] + ".value=1"""
$h+= "</div>"
$h+= "</form>"
$h+= "</body>"
$h+= "</html>"
#IF (isoieready($oie)) {$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
IF (isoieready($oie)) {$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
# dont display stuff again, wait for ok to click
start-sleep -m 50
# button dynamic form check
foreach ($element in $parbuttons)
if ($global:resbutstr -eq "")
if (isoieready($oie)) {$resbut = $fmid.getElementByID($element).value}
if ($resbut -ne 0) {$global:resbutstr = $element}
# buttons left frame check
& $Actionflef
$resbutstr = $global:resbutstr
#$global:resbutstr =""
try {$resbutstr = $resbutstr.tolower()}catch{}
if ($global:resbutstr -ne "")
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + $global:resbutstr + " was pressed" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# validate result and reloop if something is wrong
# will return result after sub
$dynamicformparamout01.arabutnam = $global:resbutstr
if ($global:resbutstr -eq "ok")
# validate results
$i = 0
$result = $null
foreach ($element in $parname)
$resultdummy = ""
if (isoieready($oie)) {$resultdummy = $fmid.getElementByID($parname[$i]).value}
[string[]]$result+= $resultdummy
#if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " stuff: " + $i + " " + $result[$i]| Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# something else than OK was pressed
$result = $null
# everything is valid, even empty strings in html boxes
} until ((($global:resbutstr -ne "") -and ($validation -eq 1)) -or ($oie.hwnd -eq $null))
# reset ok and cancel buttons value to 0
foreach ($element in $parbuttons)
if (isoieready($oie)) {$fmid.getElementByID($element).value=0}
$dynamicformparamout01.araresults = $result
return $dynamicformparamout01
#, $resbutcancel
# get powershell version
# $PSVersionTable
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$scriptname = split-path -leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$Logfilename = $scriptname + "_log.txt"
$filnam01 = $scriptPath + "\" + $Logfilename
$logall = 1
$dynamicformparamout01 = new-object dynamicformparamout;
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " START" | Out-File $filnam01}
$maitit = "Powershell Web Interface"
$project01 = "test"
#$project01 = "office365"
# each project have it's own buttons in left frame
if ($project01 -eq "test")
# buttons to display in internet explorer left frame
[string[]]$arabutdes="test something"
if ($project01 -eq "office365")
# buttons to display in internet explorer left frame
[string[]]$arabutdes="office 365 library creation"
# buttons for all projects
$arabutdes+="Github create and commit"
$arabutdes+="Gethub Get"
# internet explorer interface for powershell
$oieparamin01 = new-object oieparamin01;
$oieparamin01.height01 = 800
$oieparamin01.width01 = 1150
# we call the fonction with a typed/struct variable as parameter, this way we can change the number of parameters dynamically
$oieparamout01 = new-object oieparamout01;
$oieparamout01 = makenewOIE($oieparamin01)
# put the frames in friendly variables names
$oie = $oieparamout01.oie
$flef = $oieparamout01.flef
$fmid = $oieparamout01.fmid
$fbot = $oieparamout01.fbot
#=== make internet explorer the main active window
#a = objShe.AppActivate("http:/// - " & doctit & " - M")
#a = objShe.AppActivate(doctit & " - M")
$usenam = [Environment]::UserName
#$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name + "<br>")
#=== string result for a button press in a frame (lef = left frame, mid = middle frame (up))
#=== we also chek the key presse in each frame
#=== we do this cause we want "enter" key to be used instead of pressing "ok" button with the mouse
#$flef.onkeypress = GetRef("Checklef")
#$fmid.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkmid")
#$fbot.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkbot")
# main loop
### this dynamic (code in code) script will check for buttons pressed in left frame (control frame)
$Actionflef =
foreach ($element in $arabutnam)
if ($global:resbutstr -eq "")
if (isoieready($oie))
$resbut = $flef.getElementByID($element).value
if ($resbut -eq 1)
# put button that was pressed in left frame in a global variable
$global:resbutstr = $element
$flef.getElementByID($element).value = 0
#write-host $resbut
#write-host $element
############################ event test flag #################
$event01 = 0
# balloon tip 5 seconde or until $balloon.dispose()
$Title = "This is the title"
$Text = "This is the text"
$EventTimeOut = 5
$balloon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$balloon.Icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Information
$balloon.BalloonTipTitle = $Title
$balloon.BalloonTipText = $Text
$balloon.Visible = $True
While (($resbutstr –ne "quit01") -and ($oie.hwnd -ne $null))
start-sleep -m 50
# check buttons in left frame
& $Actionflef
$resbutstr = $global:resbutstr
$global:resbutstr =""
try {$resbutstr = $resbutstr.tolower()}catch{}
#if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $oie | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
#if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " " + $flef | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
$resbut = 0
#write-host $resbutstr
# github create and commit
if ($resbutstr -eq "githubcreatecommit")
$resbutstr = ""
$resbut = 0
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " button githubcreatecommit was clicked" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$FMID.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$Fbot.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write("<br>Github create and commit is not done yet")
$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write("<br><br>Press any button in left frame to continue...")
if ($resbutstr -eq "githubget")
$resbutstr = ""
$resbut = 0
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " button githubcreatecommit was clicked" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# clear frame
if (isoieready($oie)) {$FMID.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$Fbot.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write("<br>Github get is not done yet")
$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write("<br><br>Press any button in left frame to continue...")
if ($resbutstr -eq "test")
$resbutstr = ""
$resbut = 0
# before we go to the dynamic form, we reset left frame button value
#if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef.getElementByID($resbutstr).value = 0}
# TEST reset button value (unpress the button)
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " button TEST was clicked" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# clear frame
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " clearing frame" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# clear frame
if (isoieready($oie)) {$FMID.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$Fbot.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
# get and validate some parameters
[string[]]$parprefix="Name of the project to create"
[string[]]$parsuffix="Entrez un numéro de projet"
# parameter number 2 to inputbox
$parprefix+="stuff to enter"
$parsuffix+="ceci est un test"
$dynamicformparamout01 = dynamicform($parprefix, $parname, $pardefault, $partype, $parbuttons, $parsuffix, $arabutnam)
# all value returned by the web form are in $result array
if ($dynamicformparamout01.arabutnam -eq "ok")
# do some stuff
# 1 create folder structure
# 2 create a ldap user
# 3 create ldap group
# 4 create a office 365 site and library
# 5 extract documents from office 365 based on terms and major version
# clear frame
if (isoieready($oie)) {$FMID.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
$h = ""
$i = 0
$h+= "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border: 1px solid black'>"
foreach ($element in $dynamicformparamout01.araresults)
$h+= "<tr>"
# display results in fbot frame
$h += "<td>" + $parprefix[$i] + "</td>"
$h += "<td>" + $dynamicformparamout01.araresults[$i] + "</td>"
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " stuff2: " + $i + " " + $dynamicformparamout01.araresults[$i]| Out-File $filnam01 -append}
$h+= "</tr>"
IF (isoieready($oie)) {$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
$resbutstr = ""
$resbut = 0
elseif ($dynamicformparamout01.arabutnam -eq "cancel")
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " another button was pressed: " + $dynamicformparamout01.arabutnam| Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# reset button value for left frame (unclick the button)
#if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef.getElementByID($resbutstr).value = 0}
$resbutstr = ""
$resbut = 0
if (isoieready($oie)) {$FMID.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$Fbot.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " another button was pressed: " + $dynamicformparamout01.arabutnam| Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# since another button on left frame was pressed
# no action is done here, and the button stay pressed until it's action is done
# clear all frames
if (isoieready($oie)) {$FMID.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$Fbot.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
$resbutstr = $dynamicformparamout01.arabutnam
if ($resbutstr -eq "office365")
# secure password example TO ENTER PASSWORD
function str([Security.SecureString]$s)
return [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($s))
if ($resbutstr -eq "info01")
$resbutstr = ""
$resbut = 0
#if (isoieready($oie)) {$flef.getElementByID($resbutstr).value = 0}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$FMID.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
if (isoieready($oie)) {$Fbot.IHTMLDocument2_open("ABOUT:BLANK") | out-null}
# main action for this button
$h = "<br>Powershell web interface<br>"
$h+= "<br>This program was made by: sergefournier(@)<br>"
$h+= "<br>2016-03-04 added some innerhtml to clear frames<br>"
$h+= "<br>2016-03-04 removed innerhtml cause it does not work without office installed<br>"
IF (isoieready($oie)) {$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write($h)}
# system string does not have tolower method so it generate an error
#try {$resbutstr = $resbutstr.tolower()} catch {}
$dummy = isoieready($oie)
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " oie state: " + $dummy | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " button pressed: " + $resbutstr | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
if ($logall=1) {(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " END quit was pressed or internet explorer closed" | Out-File $filnam01 -append}
# end of program, quit was pressed or OIE handle is null
if (isoieready($oie))
#$fmid.IHTMLDocument2_write("EXIT " + $resbutlefstr + "<br>")
Get-EventSubscriber | Unregister-Event | out-null
#try {Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier "clickflef" | Unregister-Event | out-null} catch {}
#try {Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier "clickfmid" | Unregister-Event | out-null} catch {}
#try {Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier "clickfbot" | Unregister-Event | out-null} catch {}
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($oie) | out-null
############## REFERENCE
function Check-NewGmail {
[String]$Email = (Read-Host "Enter your email"),
[Security.SecureString]$Password = (Read-Host "Enter email password" -as)
function str([Security.SecureString]$s) {
return [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto(
$com = New-Object -com MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0
$'GET', $('https://' + $Email + ':' + `
(str $Password) + ''), $false)
$com.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-from-urlcoded')
$com.responseText -match 'fullcount>\d+' | Out-Null; $res = ($matches[0] -split '>')[1]
Write-Host You have $res new letter`(s`).
#Remove-Variable $oie
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How to run this script, no explanation is given
ReplyDeletemake a new file with notepad.exe
ReplyDeletecopy the code here in notepad.exe
save it as ps_web_interface.ps1
run it with right click on file, run with powershell
i explaine better here:
Programming Corner Wildboy85: Dynamic Powershell Web Interface >>>>> Download Now
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Programming Corner Wildboy85: Dynamic Powershell Web Interface >>>>> Download LINK
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