I have to present an invoice to him for my services
I am not a big fan of word or excel to handle a dynamic facturation form
So here it is in VBS using internet explorer for interface
First you have to press new invoice to create a new xml file
Then you can edit it's details in edit xml file providing the number of the invoice)
Then you can save it
The following week, you open an old invoice in edit xml, change the number, and you got a new invoice
There is a lot of unused code in there, but i keep it anyway :P
To print it, I go in facturation, display it, then copy past it in word and print
The html result is 100% width, so it will adapt to the page format
-------------------------- facturation.vbs ------------------------
'=== Ultimate dynamic web interface 2.0
'=== this script:
'=== generate dynamically a web interface to manage virtually anything
'=== control (left frame), input (middle frame), and output (bottom frame) from vbs/wsh (windows host scripts)
'=== the first version was a simple interface made by a programmer
'=== the second version have more explanations
'=== more dynamism than ever
'=== more functions to clean up main loop code
'=== easier array display coding to add stuff more easily
'=== MDB (access type database) management (creation, edition, search/edit)
'=== futur: mdb import, mdb export, sql sync, excel export
'=== by: SergeFournier(at)hotmail.com
'=== tested on windows vista 64, internet explorer 7
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objshe = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Const hkcr = &H80000000 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Const HKCU = &H80000001 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER
Const hklm = &H80000002 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Const hku = &H80000003 'HKEY_USERS
Const hkcc = &H80000005 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
dim allara(10,10)
dim alltab(10)
DIM ordcol(10,10)
'=== actual drive, actual directory, and "\"
p = instrRev(thepath,"\")
basedir = left(thepath,p)
filnam = right(thepath,len(thepath)-p)
'=== windows dir
WinDir = objfso.GetSpecialFolder(0)
'=== restart the script in 32 bits if we are on a 64 bits system
'=== (databases drivers issues)
a64 = windir & "\syswow64\wscript.exe"
if objFSO.fileEXISTS(a64) and instr(lcase(wscript.fullname),"syswow64")=0 then
'=== 64 bits system
a = """" & a64 & """ """ & basedir & filnam & """"
objshe.Run a,0, false
end if
'=== log everything in a file
logall = 1
'=== edit mode 0=off 1=on
'=== if edtmod = 1 every results will be in editable html boxes
edtmod = 0
totrec = 0
offset = 0
'=== no second search in the lower frame (fbot)
'=== this mean the search button is removed when table is generated
dim tabnam,aratit,ara01,edtmod,offset,maxoff,myarray,component, strsearch, tab,sel,whe,objcon,tabnam2,ooper,wwild
priara = array(_
"<input type=""button"" onClick=""javascript:print()"" value=""Print""/><br><br>")
lefara = array(_
"<body background=""" & basedir & "images_interface\fond_gauche.jpg"">")
midara = array(_
"<body background=""" & basedir & "images_interface\fond_gris.jpg"">")
botara = array(_
"<body background=""" & basedir & "images_interface\fond_gris.jpg"">")
if logall=1 then
'=== debug log
file02 = basedir & "zzz_troubleshooting.txt"
on error resume next
Set Fil02 = objFSo.OpenTextFile(file02, 2, true)
on error goto 0
end if
'============================================== main loop =============================================
'=== name of the user logged in window (network or not)
'=== maximum row in the grid when more than the max
'=== we display only this number and a button "precedent" and "next" to swtich page
maxoff=15 '=== since 0 is included, 24 = 25 record
'=== menu items on left side (control side, frame: flef)
'= arabutnam: name of button, purely programmation name, used later to execute functions in main loop
'= arabutdes: description of button, text inside it actually
'= aradepnam: departement name, each departement (Section) is separated by a space
'= aradepcol: color of departement, blue = computer, brown = accounting, etc will follow a standard on internet (vague)
'=== button at the start for control frame (flef object)
'=== you can add as many buttons as you want, it's all dynamic (extendable)
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " START"
end if
ReDim Preserve arabutnam(x): ReDim Preserve arabutdes(x): ReDim Preserve aradepnam(x): ReDim Preserve aradepcol(x)
ReDim Preserve arabutnam(x): ReDim Preserve arabutdes(x): ReDim Preserve aradepnam(x): ReDim Preserve aradepcol(x)
arabutdes(x)="Facturation new"
ReDim Preserve arabutnam(x): ReDim Preserve arabutdes(x): ReDim Preserve aradepnam(x): ReDim Preserve aradepcol(x)
arabutdes(x)="Edit xml file"
ReDim Preserve arabutnam(x): ReDim Preserve arabutdes(x): ReDim Preserve aradepnam(x): ReDim Preserve aradepcol(x)
arabutdes(x)="Display xml file"
ReDim Preserve arabutnam(x): ReDim Preserve arabutdes(x): ReDim Preserve aradepnam(x): ReDim Preserve aradepcol(x)
arabutdes(x)="Clear Frames"
ReDim Preserve arabutnam(x): ReDim Preserve arabutdes(x): ReDim Preserve aradepnam(x): ReDim Preserve aradepcol(x)
ReDim Preserve arabutnam(x): ReDim Preserve arabutdes(x): ReDim Preserve aradepnam(x): ReDim Preserve aradepcol(x)
'=== old code for ref
'arabut=array("stristas", "striunig", "desarchive", "infocomp", "cretasks", "renamecomputer", "test", "clrframes", "quit01")
'arabutdes=array("Crée Structure i: Stas", "Crée Structure i: Unigec", "Désarchivage", "Info computer", "Create tasks", "Rename computer", "test divers", "Clear Frames", "Quitter")
'aradep=array("All", "All", "Informatique", "Informatique", "Informatique", "Informatique", "Other", "All")
'aradepcol=array("cccccc", "cccccc", "6699ff", "6699ff", "6699ff", "6699ff", "6699ff", "cccccc")
'=== i dont remember this one
'=== web interface, internet explorer
'=== set the objects before calling functions, so they are global objects/variables, accessibles in all the program
set oIE = wscript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application", "IE_")
dim flef, fmid, fbot
'=== title of internet explorer window
doctit = "titre de la page"
'=== title to display inside the left frame (control frame, flef object)
maitit = "Troubleshooting interface<br><br>STAS 45834"'=== title inside the left frame
'=== create the main web interface with 3 frames, objects: flef, fmid, fbot
a = crewebmai(oie, doctit, maitit, arabutnam, arabutdes, aradepnam, aradepcol)
'=== defaut menu option for certain name logged
'=== example: a certain user will use always the same function
'=== so the interface will start, by executing this function at first, not an empty frame
'=== simply enter the name of the button that should be pressed for this user when interface start
if usenam="wildboy" or usenam="fournier.serge" then
'=== defaut choice when program start
'resbutlefstr = "stristas"
end if
'=== sub to call for each button
'=== here we define a sub to be called when a button in the web page is pressed
Do While (oIE.Busy)
wscript.sleep 50
do while oie.readystate<>4
wscript.sleep 50
'=== set up a return value on click of each button on the left frame
'=== the returned value is the name (programmable name) of each button (arabutnam)
'=== later any action will be taken according to this value
'=== i use this method because i dont want to call a sub when a button is pressed
'=== to remain in a loop for the main program, that is standard procedure in programming (to have a main loop)
for i=0 to ubound(arabutnam)
flef.forms(0).elements(arabutnam(i)).onclick = getref("buttonlef")
'=== we also chek the key presse in each frame
'=== we do this cause we want "enter" key to be used instead of pressing "ok" button with the mouse
set flef.onkeypress = GetRef("Checklef")
set fmid.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkmid")
set fbot.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkbot")
'=== if bready = true, it mean they closed internet explorer, see the sub on internet explorer closing later in this code
'=== we have to chek this value often to stop the wscript.exe from interpreting this code, when internet explorer is closed
resbutlefstr = ""
resbutmidstr = ""
resbutbotstr = ""
reskeylef = 0
reskeymid = 0
reskeybot = 0
resblulefstr =""
resblumidstr =""
resblubotstr =""
resblulefid = ""
resblumidid = ""
resblubotid = ""
resblulefval =""
resblumidval =""
resblubotval =""
WScript.sleep(50) ' .1 seconds
'=== main loop, infinite
'=== unless someone press QUIT button
'=== or close internet explorer (bready = true)
if resbutlefstr="editxmlfile" then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="xml file name" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text01" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)=basedir & "facturation10.xml" '===== default value
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
buttmp=array("ok","cancel") '===== at the end, there will be an "ok" button and a "cancel" button
a = dynforgen (distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== flag to tell if the input is not valid
'=== flag to say input is done, since there might be a defaut value, we must validate if user was finished
'=== "ok" button or "enter" key are the same
'=== and nothing was pressed on left frame (control frame)
if resbutlefstr="" and (resbutmidstr="ok" or reskeymid=13) then
'=== User has clicked the OK button, retrieve the values
text=fmid.form01.text01.Value '=== namtmp is the variable name used earlier,before we call the dynamic form generation for input
if len(text) < 1 then
'=== error message for the first form (if the keyword "error" is in this string, its displayed in RED)
if len(text) < 1 then
errtmp(0)="error - must be 1 char long at least"
end if
'=== if the value was not good, we generate the dynamic input for again, with an error message after the form in red
a = dynforgen(distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== there was an invalid input so we reset the key or button pressed to nothing so the loop can continue
'=== the input was validated, we flag err01 to none, and flag inpdon to exit the loop
end if
end if
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value, user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
'=== if there was an input error and no one used left control frame to exit, we keep asking for input
loop while err01<>0 or inpdon=0
'=== if internet explorer was not closed (bready), a button was not pressed on left frame, and no excape or cancel in middle frame
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== get values from input boxes
filename01 = fmid.form01.text01.Value
'=== open xml file
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
'Set objRoot = xmlDoc.documentElement
'=== root node level 0
'Set Node00 = objroot.SelectSingleNode("/*")
node = 1
'=== references
Set colNodes01 = xmlDoc.selectNodes("/*")
dummy = edit_xml_node(colNodes01, basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml")
'xmlDoc.Save basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
end if
end if
end if
if resbutlefstr="displayxmlfile" then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="xml file name" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text01" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)=basedir & "facturation9.xml" '===== default value
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
buttmp=array("ok","cancel") '===== at the end, there will be an "ok" button and a "cancel" button
a = dynforgen (distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== flag to tell if the input is not valid
'=== flag to say input is done, since there might be a defaut value, we must validate if user was finished
'=== "ok" button or "enter" key are the same
'=== and nothing was pressed on left frame (control frame)
if resbutlefstr="" and (resbutmidstr="ok" or reskeymid=13) then
'=== User has clicked the OK button, retrieve the values
text=fmid.form01.text01.Value '=== namtmp is the variable name used earlier,before we call the dynamic form generation for input
if len(text) < 1 then
'=== error message for the first form (if the keyword "error" is in this string, its displayed in RED)
if len(text) < 1 then
errtmp(0)="error - must be 1 char long at least"
end if
'=== if the value was not good, we generate the dynamic input for again, with an error message after the form in red
a = dynforgen(distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== there was an invalid input so we reset the key or button pressed to nothing so the loop can continue
'=== the input was validated, we flag err01 to none, and flag inpdon to exit the loop
end if
end if
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value, user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
'=== if there was an input error and no one used left control frame to exit, we keep asking for input
loop while err01<>0 or inpdon=0
'=== if internet explorer was not closed (bready), a button was not pressed on left frame, and no excape or cancel in middle frame
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== get values from input boxes
filename01 = fmid.form01.text01.Value
'=== display your answers
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>Answer01: " & text01)
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>Answer02: " & text02)
'=== open xml file
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
Set objRoot = xmlDoc.documentElement
'=== root node level 0
'Set Node00 = objroot.SelectSingleNode("/*")
node = 1
'=== references
Set colNodes01 = xmlDoc.selectNodes("/*")
'=== make a big table that will contain other tables inside
h = "<!DOCTYPE html>"
h = h & "<html>"
h = h & "<head>"
h = h & "<style>"
h = h & "table#items01 tr:nth-child(even) {"
h = h & "background-color: #eee;"
h = h & "}"
h = h & "</style>"
h = h & "</head>"
h = h & "<body>"
h = h & "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border: 1px solid black'>"
'=== list all root nodes
For Each objNode01 in colNodes01
h = h & "<tr>" '=== line 1
h = h & "<td>" & objnode01.nodeName & "</td>"
'=== any node under root
for each objnode02 in objnode01.childnodes
h = h & "<tr>" '=== line 1
h = h & "<td></td><td>" & objnode02.nodename & "</td>"
For Each objChild02 In objnode02.childNodes
h = h & "<tr>"
if objchild02.text <>"" then
displaynamefra = objchild02.getattribute("displaynamefra")
h = h & "<td></td><td></td><td>" & objchild02.nodename & "</td><td>" & displaynamefra & "</td><td>" & objchild02.text & "</td>"
'fbot.WriteLn("<td>" & displaynamefra & " " & objchild02.text)
end if
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 1
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 1
node = node+1
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 1
xmlDoc.Save basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
end if
end if
if resbutlefstr="facturationnew" then
'=== this was a test with multiple button value (one for each line)
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Invoice number" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text01" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="10" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Quantitée (heures)" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text02" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Tarif (rate)" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text03" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Référence employeur (bon de commande)" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text04" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Time line" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text05" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="semaine du 2015" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
buttmp=array("ok","cancel") '===== at the end, there will be an "ok" button and a "cancel" button
a = dynforgen (distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== flag to tell if the input is not valid
'=== flag to say input is done, since there might be a defaut value, we must validate if user was finished
'=== "ok" button or "enter" key are the same
'=== and nothing was pressed on left frame (control frame)
if resbutlefstr="" and (resbutmidstr="ok" or reskeymid=13) then
'=== User has clicked the OK button, retrieve the values
text=fmid.form01.text01.Value '=== namtmp is the variable name used earlier,before we call the dynamic form generation for input
if len(text) < 1 then
'=== error message for the first form (if the keyword "error" is in this string, its displayed in RED)
if len(text) < 1 then
errtmp(0)="error - must be 1 char long at least"
end if
'=== if the value was not good, we generate the dynamic input for again, with an error message after the form in red
a = dynforgen(distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== there was an invalid input so we reset the key or button pressed to nothing so the loop can continue
'=== the input was validated, we flag err01 to none, and flag inpdon to exit the loop
end if
end if
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value, user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
'=== if there was an input error and no one used left control frame to exit, we keep asking for input
loop while err01<>0 or inpdon=0
'=== if internet explorer was not closed (bready), a button was not pressed on left frame, and no excape or cancel in middle frame
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== get values from input boxes
numero01 = fmid.form01.text01.Value
quantity01 = fmid.form01.text02.Value
rate01 = fmid.form01.text03.Value
billto_reference01 = fmid.form01.text04.Value
timeline01 = fmid.form01.text05.Value
'=== display your answers
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>Answer01: " & text01)
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>Answer02: " & text02)
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>TESTING XML STUFF")
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>directory where xml file is saved: " & basedir)
'=== goal: have an xml list of items to generate an invoice
'=== do not create
'=== create xml
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Set objRoot = xmlDoc.createElement("facturation")
xmlDoc.appendChild objRoot
'Set objRecord = xmlDoc.createElement("source")
'objRoot.appendChild objRecord
'Set objName = xmlDoc.createElement("nom")
'objName.Text = "Serge Fournier"
'objRecord.appendChild objName
'Set objDate = xmlDoc.createElement("datecreation")
'objDate.Text = Date
'objRecord.appendChild objDate
Set objIntro = xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
xmlDoc.insertBefore objIntro,xmlDoc.childNodes(0)
xmlDoc.Save basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
'=== add a record
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
xmlDoc.Load(basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml")
Set objRoot = xmlDoc.documentElement
Set objRecord = xmlDoc.createElement("bill")
objRoot.appendChild objRecord
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("id")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Numéro"
objFieldValue.Text = numero01
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("date")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Date émise"
objFieldValue.Text = date
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("datedue")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Date due"
objFieldValue.Text = date
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("billto_reference")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Référence de l'employeur"
objFieldValue.Text = billto_reference01
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objRecord = xmlDoc.createElement("billfrom")
objRoot.appendChild objRecord
objRecord.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Contracteur"
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("compagny")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Compagnie"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("name")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Nom"
objFieldValue.Text = "Serge Fournier"
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addressnumber")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Adresse"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addressstreet")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Rue"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addresscity")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Ville"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addresszip")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Code postal"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addressstate")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Province"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addresscountry")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Pays"
objFieldValue.Text = "Canada"
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("phonehome")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Téléphone (residence)"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("email")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Courriel"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("phonecell")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Téléphone (cellulaire)"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objRecord = xmlDoc.createElement("billto")
objRoot.appendChild objRecord
'31, Racine O., First floor, Saguenay ,QC ,Canada ,G7J 1E4
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("compagny")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Compagnie"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("name")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Nom"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addressnumber")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Adresse"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addressstreet")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Rue"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addresscity")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Ville"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addresszip")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Code postal"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addressstate")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Province"
objFieldValue.Text = ""
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("addresscountry")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Pays"
objFieldValue.Text = "Canada"
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objRecord = xmlDoc.createElement("billitems")
objRoot.appendChild objRecord
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("id")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Item #"
objFieldValue.Text = "1"
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("id_bill")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Référence facture"
objFieldValue.Text = numero01
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("description")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Description"
objFieldValue.Text = "Administration réseau et technique informatique"
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("timeline")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Période"
objFieldValue.Text = timeline01
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("unity")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Unitée"
objFieldValue.Text = "Heures"
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("quantity")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Quantité"
objFieldValue.Text = quantity01
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("rate")
objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Tarif"
objFieldValue.Text = rate01
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
xmlDoc.Save basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
fmid.WriteLn("<br>New invoice created")
end if
end if
' facturation invoice (display)
if resbutlefstr="facturation" then
'=== this was a test with multiple button value (one for each line)
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Invoice number" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="text01" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="10" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter a text to display" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
buttmp=array("ok","cancel") '===== at the end, there will be an "ok" button and a "cancel" button
a = dynforgen (distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== flag to tell if the input is not valid
'=== flag to say input is done, since there might be a defaut value, we must validate if user was finished
'=== "ok" button or "enter" key are the same
'=== and nothing was pressed on left frame (control frame)
if resbutlefstr="" and (resbutmidstr="ok" or reskeymid=13) then
'=== User has clicked the OK button, retrieve the values
text=fmid.form01.text01.Value '=== namtmp is the variable name used earlier,before we call the dynamic form generation for input
if len(text) < 1 then
'=== error message for the first form (if the keyword "error" is in this string, its displayed in RED)
if len(text) < 1 then
errtmp(0)="error - must be 1 char long at least"
end if
'=== if the value was not good, we generate the dynamic input for again, with an error message after the form in red
a = dynforgen(distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== there was an invalid input so we reset the key or button pressed to nothing so the loop can continue
'=== the input was validated, we flag err01 to none, and flag inpdon to exit the loop
end if
end if
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value, user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
'=== if there was an input error and no one used left control frame to exit, we keep asking for input
loop while err01<>0 or inpdon=0
'=== if internet explorer was not closed (bready), a button was not pressed on left frame, and no excape or cancel in middle frame
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== get values from input boxes
numero01 = fmid.form01.text01.Value
'quantity01 = fmid.form01.text02.Value
'rate01 = fmid.form01.text03.Value
'billto_reference01 = fmid.form01.text04.Value
'timeline01 = fmid.form01.text05.Value
'=== display your answers
fmid.WriteLn("<br>Answer01: " & text01)
fmid.WriteLn("<br>Answer02: " & text02)
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>TESTING XML STUFF")
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>directory where xml file is saved: " & basedir)
'=== goal: have an xml list of items to generate an invoice
'=== affiche la facture dans le frame du bas
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
xmlDoc.Load(basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml")
'=== id facture
id_bill = numero01
'=== ROOT:
'=== facturation
'=== bill, billfrom, billto, billitems
'Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/ComputerAudit [ComputerName = 'atl-ws-100']")
'=== make a big table that will contain other tables inside
h = "<!DOCTYPE html>"
h = h & "<html>"
h = h & "<head>"
h = h & "<style>"
h = h & "table#items01 tr:nth-child(even) {"
h = h & "background-color: #eee;"
h = h & "}"
h = h & "</style>"
h = h & "</head>"
h = h & "<body>"
h = h & "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border: 3px solid black'>"
h = h & "<tr>" '=== line 1
' billfrom
h = h & "<td>" '=== column
'h = h & "<h1>Facture de:</h1>"
h = h & "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none'>"
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/billfrom")
node = 1
For Each objNode in colNodes
'=== there is supposed to be only one node, one bill or invoice
For Each objChild In objnode.childNodes
if objchild.text <>"" then
h = h & "<tr>"
displaynamefra = objchild.getattribute("displaynamefra")
h = h & "<td>" & displaynamefra & "</td><td>" & objchild.text & "</td>"
h = h & "</tr>"
end if
node = node + 1
h = h & "</table>"
h = h & "</td>"
' invoice
h = h & "<td>"
h = h & "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none'>"
h = h & "<tr><td><center><h1>FACTURE</h1></center></td></tr>"
h = h & "</table>"
h = h & "</td>"
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 1 end
h = h & "<tr>" '=== line 2
' billto
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/billto")
h = h & "<td>"
h = h & "<h1>Facturé à:</h1>"
h = h & "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none'>"
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/billto")
node = 1
For Each objNode in colNodes
'=== there is supposed to be only one node, one bill or invoice
For Each objChild In objnode.childNodes
h = h & "<tr>"
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>child node")
if objchild.text <>"" then
displaynamefra = objchild.getattribute("displaynamefra")
h = h & "<td>" & displaynamefra & "</td><td>" & objchild.text & "</td>"
end if
h = h & "</tr>"
'if objnode.text <>"" then
' displaynamefra = objnode.getattribute("displaynamefra")
' fbot.WriteLn("<br>node: " & node & " --- " & displaynamefra & " --- " & objnode.text)
'end if
node = node + 1
h = h & "</table>"
h = h & "</td>"
' bill id and stuff
h = h & "<td>"
h = h & "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none'>"
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/bill [id = '" & id_bill & "']")
node = 1
For Each objNode in colNodes
'=== there is supposed to be only one node, one bill or invoice
For Each objChild In objnode.childNodes
h = h & "<tr>"
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>child node")
if objchild.text <>"" then
displaynamefra = objchild.getattribute("displaynamefra")
h = h & "<td>" & displaynamefra & "</td><td>" & objchild.text & "</td>"
end if
h = h & "</tr>"
'if objnode.text <>"" then
' displaynamefra = objnode.getattribute("displaynamefra")
' fbot.WriteLn("<br>node: " & node & " --- " & displaynamefra & " --- " & objnode.text)
'end if
node = node + 1
h = h & "</table>"
h = h & "</td>"
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 2 end
h = h & "</tr>" '=== end 4 first squares
' items
h = h & "<td colspan=""2"">"
h = h & "<table id=""items01"" width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none'>"
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/billitems [id_bill = '" & id_bill & "']")
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>Numéro de la facture: " & id_bill)
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/billitems")
'=== column titles
node = 1
h = h & "<tr>"
For Each objNode in colNodes
'=== there is supposed to be only one node, one bill or invoice
For Each objChild In objnode.childNodes
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>child node")
displaynamefra = objchild.getattribute("displaynamefra")
h = h & "<td>" & displaynamefra & "</td>"
h = h & "<td>Montant</td>"
'if objnode.text <>"" then
' displaynamefra = objnode.getattribute("displaynamefra")
' fbot.WriteLn("<br>node: " & node & " --- " & displaynamefra & " --- " & objnode.text)
'end if
node = node + 1
h = h & "</tr>"
'=== data in columns, line by line
total01 = 0
node = 1
For Each objNode in colNodes
h = h & "<tr>"
'=== there is supposed to be only one node, one bill or invoice
quantity01 = ""
rate01 = ""
nodecol = 0
For Each objChild In objnode.childNodes
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>child node")
displaynamefra = objchild.getattribute("displaynamefra")
if objchild.nodename = "rate" then prefix01 = "$ " else prefix01 = ""
h = h & "<td>" & prefix01 & objchild.text & "</td>"
if objchild.nodename = "quantity" then quantity01 = objchild.text
if objchild.nodename = "rate" then rate01 = objchild.text
nodecol = nodecol + 1
subtot01 = quantity01 * rate01
h = h & "<td>$ " & subtot01 & "</td>"
'if objnode.text <>"" then
' displaynamefra = objnode.getattribute("displaynamefra")
' fbot.WriteLn("<br>node: " & node & " --- " & displaynamefra & " --- " & objnode.text)
'end if
node = node + 1
h = h & "</tr>"
total01 = total01 + subtot01
'=== final line - total01
h = h & "<tr>"
'=== merge this to get total on right side, last 2 columns
h = h & "<td colspan=""" & nodecol-1 & """></td>"
h = h & "<td>Total (can)</td>"
h = h & "<td>$ " & total01 & "</td>"
h = h & "</tr>"
h = h & "</table>"
h = h & "</td>"
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 2
h = h & "</body>"
h = h & "</html>"
'h = h & "<br>Total bills found: " & node-1 & " with " & id_bill & " as ID"
'=== XML modification
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
xmlDoc.Load(basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml")
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/source [nom = 'Serge Fournier']/datecreation")
For Each objNode in colNodes
objNode.Text = "caca"
fbot.WriteLn(text & "<br>node")
xmlDoc.Save basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
'=== remove an element
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
xmlDoc.Load(basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml")
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes ("/ITChecklist/ComputerAudit [ComputerName = 'atl-ws-100']")
For Each objNode in colNodes
xmlDoc.Save basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
'=== open xml and make a html table ready to print
end if
end if
'=== if the button named this is pressed we do this
'=== resbutlefstr: result from pressing a button in the left frame (control frame, flef object)
'=== its a string that contain the programmable name of the button that was pressed in the left frame (arabutnam)
if resbutlefstr="clrframes" then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
'fbot.WriteLn("tried to clear middle frame")
end if
if resbutlefstr="info" then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
'=== print button
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
'if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of " & ffranam & ": " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
for each a in priara
for each a in botara
fbot.WriteLn("<H2>Crucible Cleaner Troubleshooting Database with Dynamic Web Interface</H2><br>")
"1.1 Microsoft windows xp, vista (32 or 64), seven (32 or 64) (without UAC, users access control, off)",_
"1.2 Internet explorer",_
"1.3 .NET framework 1.1 (included with windows)",_
"2.1 This dynamic web interface was programmed to access a microsoft access database information to troubleshoot a Crucible Cleaner",_
"Contact: Serge Fournier, Prog./Analyst")
for each a in texara
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of " & ffranam & ": " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
'aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
fbot.WriteLn(a & "<br>")
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of " & ffranam & ": " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
'aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
end if
if resbutlefstr="newdb" then
'=== create a new database mdb type (Access 2000)
tit="new database" '=== title to display in fmid frame (input frame)
'=== clear 2 frames (input: fmid, and result: fbot)
'=== also clear the result button name for all frames and the key pressed on all frames
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
'=== dynamic generation of input form, and control buttons in fmid (middle or up frame, called "input" frame for more clarity, fmid object)
'=== inputs to do before processing
'=== you can add more input forms, at the end, there will be an "ok" button and a "cancel" button
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Database name" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="dbnam" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="testmdbaccess2000" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)=".MDB enter name of DB file" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
redim preserve distmp(x) :redim preserve namtmp(x) :redim preserve deftmp(x) :redim preserve typtmp(x) :redim preserve errtmp(x)
distmp(x)="Table name" '===== description displayed in front of the field
namtmp(x)="tabnam" '===== name of variable for programming purpose
deftmp(x)="table01" '===== default value inside the form (the form will be 20 char long if no value here, but you can enter more)
typtmp(x)="textbox" '===== type of data: textbox password (futur: more to come)
errtmp(x)="enter name of first table" '===== text to display after the form "facultatif" blue text "error" red text are special keywords
buttmp=array("ok","cancel") '===== at the end, there will be an "ok" button and a "cancel" button
a = dynforgen (distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== flag to say input is done, since there might be a defaut value, we must validate if user was finished
'=== "ok" button or "enter" key are the same
'=== and nothing was pressed on left frame (control frame)
if resbutlefstr="" and (resbutmidstr="ok" or reskeymid=13) then
'=== User has clicked the OK button, retrieve the values
dbnam = fmid.form01.dbnam.Value '=== namtmp is the variable name used earlier,before we call the dynamic form generation for input
tabnam = fmid.form01.tabnam.Value '=== namtmp is the variable name used earlier,before we call the dynamic form generation for input
if len(dbnam) < 1 or len(tabnam)<1 then
'=== error message for the first form (if the keyword "error" is in this string, its displayed in RED)
if len(dbnam) < 1 then
errtmp(0)="error - name must be 1 char long at least"
end if
if len(tabnam) < 1 then
errtmp(1)="error - name must be 1 char long at least"
end if
'=== if the value was not good, we generate the dynamic input for again, with an error message after the form in red
a = dynforgen(distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
'=== the input was validated, we flag err01 to none, and flag inpdon to exit the loop
end if
end if
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value, user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
'=== if there was an input error and no one used left control frame to exit, we keep asking for input
loop while err01<>0 or inpdon=0
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== all value were validated, we continue
dbnam = dbnam & ".mdb"
'=== chek if the file already exist
Set objFolder2 = objFSO.GetFolder(basedir)'=== dir
Set objFiles2 = objFolder2.files '=== fichiers
For Each objFile3 in objFiles2
if nomfile=dbnam then
end if
if found=1 then
a = clefra(array("fmid"))
fbot.WriteLn("The file: <br>" & dbnam & "<br>Already exist<br><br>Please use EDIT DATABASE to manage it<br><br>")
fbot.WriteLn("LIST of table in the existing database:<br><br>")
Set objcat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Set objcon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbnam
objcon.open constr
for each tab in objcat.Tables
If tab.Type = "TABLE" Then
fbot.WriteLn(tab.name & "<br>")
for each col in tab.columns
c = lcase(col.name)
fbot.WriteLn(c & "<br>Type: " & col.type & "   Autoincrement: " & col.Properties("AutoIncrement") & "<br>")
end if
set objcat=nothing
set objcon=nothing
a = clefra(array("fmid"))
'=== formats: jet10 = 1 Jet11 = 2 Jet20 = 3 Jet3x = 4 Jet4x = 5 (Access 2000)
Dim Catalog
fbot.WriteLn("Creation ADOX catalog (adox.dll, access required)<br><br>")
Set objcat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
format = 5
fbot.WriteLn("database creation: " & dbnam & "<br><br>")
constr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=" & Format & ";Data Source=" & dbnam
objcat.Create constr
'=== add a table in the database
fbot.WriteLn("table creation: " & tabnam &"<br>")
Set objtab = CreateObject("ADOX.table")
objtab.name = tabnam
objcat.Tables.Append objtab
'=== add a columns in the only existing table
for each tab in objcat.Tables
If tab.Type = "TABLE" Then
fbot.WriteLn("table existing: " & tab.name & "<br>")
'=== add column in database
Set objcol = Nothing
fbot.WriteLn("primary key creation: " & colnam & "<br>")
Set objkey = CreateObject("ADOX.key")
objkey.columns.append colnam
tab.keys.append objkey
'Set aIndex = New ADOX.Index
'aIndex.Name = "ByField2"
'aIndex.Clustered = False
'aIndex.Columns.Append "Field2"
'aIndex.Columns.Append "Field1"
'aTable.Indexes.Append aIndex ' save the index
for each col in tab.columns
c = lcase(col.name)
fbot.WriteLn("column existing: " & c & "   autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement") & "<br>")
end if
set objcat=nothing
fbot.WriteLn("<br>You database have been created with 1 table and a defaut column named " & colnam & "<br>")
end if
'msgbox(resbutlefstr & " " & resbutmidstr & " " & resmidkey & " " & bready)
end if
end if
if resbutlefstr="edtdb" then
resbutlefstr = ""
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
'=== value
'=== chek if the file already exist
Set objFol01=objFSO.GetFolder(basedir)'=== dir
Set objfol02=objFol01.files '=== files
redim ara01(0)
For Each objFil in objFol02
if right(filnam,4)=".mdb" then
redim preserve ara01(x)
end if
'=== title of the columns
aratit = array("Name of the database")
'=== array to put in table, choice button, header, middle line, bottom line, reload
a = dynbotcho(fmid, "choose the database to edit", aratit, ara01, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, 0,"mid")
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value (or button press), user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
loop while resbutmidstr=""
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== convert the choice made with the button to a number (remove "but" from left side)
'=== get the array that contain the choice in dbnam (database name)
'=== open the database
Set objcat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Set objcon = nothing
Set objcon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbnam
objcon.open constr
'=== pressing left control button while in a function will call a sub make internet explorer crash
'=== so i have to put the table choice in main loop, cant do a sub
'=== choose the table to edit
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
aratit=array("Table name")
redim ara01(0)
for each tab in objcat.Tables
If tab.Type = "TABLE" Then
c = lcase(tab.name)
redim preserve ara01(x)
end if
a = dynbotcho(fmid, "Choose the table to edit", aratit, ara01, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "mid")
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value (or button press), user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
loop while resbutmidstr=""
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== convert the choice made with the button to a number (remove "but" from left side)
'=== get the array that contain the choice in dbnam (database name)
for each tab in objcat.Tables
If tab.Type = "TABLE" Then
if tabnam = lcase(tab.name) then set objtab=tab
end if
'=== count of the lines to separate them for edition 20 or 50 at one time
sql = "select count(*) as nbrlin from " & tabnam
a = exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
'=== total number of records
'=== get all column names
sql = "select top 1 * from " & tabnam
a = exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
redim aratit(coltot)
For Each a In TAG.fields
'=== columns names
redim preserve aratit(coltot)
'=== chek for primary key in table
prikeygndmul=0 '=== multiple column primary key found
for each objind in objtab.indexes
If objind.PrimaryKey = True Then
For i = 0 To objind.Columns.Count - 1
a=a & objind.Columns(i).Name
if i=1 then
'=== primary key column name if its related to one column only
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Primary column existing: " & prikeycolnam
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement")
end if
if i>1 then prikeyfndmul=1
end if
end if
'=== chek if there is an auto increment column to be able to edit limited results at one time
fnd01=0 '=== found autoincrement column
fnd02=0 '=== found a column named codint
for each objcol in objtab.columns
if d<>false then
if lcase(codint)="codintsef" then fnd02=1
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Column existing: " & c
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement")
end if
end if
'=== aef
'if logall=1 then
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Column existing: " & c
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement")
'end if
'fmid.WriteLn("column existing: " & c & "   autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement") & "<br>")
'=== close the last query to be able to create a new table autoincrement
set tag=nothing
'=== create a autoincrement integer column called "codint"
'=== to be able to edit limited results at one time (let's say 50 at a time)
if prikeycolnam="" then
if fnd01=0 then
if fnd02=0 then
'fmid.WriteLn("no codint (Auto increment column)")
redim preserve aratit(coltot)
'=== make it a primary key, but not if there is a multiple column primary key present
if prikeyfndmul=0 then
Set objkey = CreateObject("ADOX.key")
objkey.columns.append colnam
objtab.keys.append objkey
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " created a primary column for result selecting " & colnam
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement")
end if
end if
fmid.WriteLn("cannot create a auto increment column named" & colaut)
fmid.WriteLn("multiple page edition will be desactivated")
fmid.WriteLn("some loading might be slow")
end if
end if
end if
'sql = makque(symptom,tab,sel,whe," order by [probabilité] DESC","LIKE","%")
'=== loop to edit x at one time
'=== 50 record at one time
'=== totrec = maximum
'=== actrec = actual record where we are (page moving)
'=== COMPONENT = words to search (separated by a space)
tab = 1 '=== table to seach in (alltab)
sel = 1 '=== columns to list (allara)
whe = 0 '=== columns to search in (Allara)
'=== test purpose
component = ""
sql = makque(component,tab,sel,whe,"","LIKE","%")
'=== count of the lines to separate them for edition 20 or 50 at one time
'sql = "select count(*) as nbrlin from " & tabnam
'a = exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
'=== total number of records
'sql = "select * from " & tabnam & " where [component] like '%HOSE%'"
'=== this will be used only if the table is really big
'=== if table is not so big we can put it in the array and edit values by small pack
'=== se we dont need fewer results, since it will fit the array
' & " where " & prikeycolnam & ">" & actrec
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " QUERY: "
fil02.WriteLine sql
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement")
end if
a = exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
if tag.eof=0 then
redim myarray(coltot,0)
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>total columns: " & coltot & "<br>")
for i=0 to coltot
myarray(i,0)="ERROR there was 0 record in this query"
fbot.WriteLn("<br>ERROR<br>" & sql & "<br>gave 0 results<br>")
end if
'=== total of records (max y in array if there is a x only)
totrec = cnttotrec(myarray)
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " total records: " & totrec+1
end if
aratit = allara(tab,sel)
a = dynbotcho(fbot, tabnam, aratit, myarray, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, edtmod,"bot")
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value (or button press), user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutbotstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
if resbutbotstr="Precedent" then
if offset<>a then
'=== totrec total number of record (displayed at end of first line)
'=== maxoff maxiumm number of row in a page
'=== offset page flip number (multiple of maxoff)
a = dynbotcho(fbot, tabnam, aratit, myarray, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, edtmod,"bot")
end if
end if
if resbutbotstr="Next" then
if offset>totrec then offset=offset-maxoff
if offset<>a then
a = dynbotcho(fbot, tabnam, aratit, myarray, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, edtmod,"bot")
end if
end if
if resbutbotstr="Search" then
'=== make a dynamic query to search for every words in every columns
'makque(ssea, ttab, sselect,wwhere, ssufix,ooper,wwild)
component = strsearch
sql = makque(component,tab,sel,whe,"","LIKE","%")
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " QUERY: "
fil02.WriteLine sql
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement")
end if
a = exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
if tag.eof=0 then
redim myarray(coltot,0)
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>total columns: " & coltot & "<br>")
for i=0 to coltot
myarray(i,0)="ERROR there was 0 record in this query"
fbot.WriteLn("<br>ERROR<br>" & sql & "<br><br>gave 0 results<br>")
end if
totrec = cnttotrec(myarray)
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " total records: " & totrec+1
end if
a = dynbotcho(fbot, tabnam, aratit, myarray, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, edtmod,"bot")
end if
if resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== save the line selected
exit do
end if
loop while resbutbotstr=""
if bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== a line was selected or we change page
end if
'=== save done
end if
end if
'msgbox("exit on left button" & resbutlefstr)
'resbutlefstr = ""
resbutmidstr = ""
resbutbotstr = ""
reskeylef = 0
reskeymid = 0
reskeybot = 0
end if
'=== .1 seconds
wscript.sleep 50
'=== we loop until internet explorer was closed or the quit button was pressed
loop until bReady or resbutlefstr="quit01"
'====================== end of main loop
'=== someone pressed "quit" on left frame (control frame, flef object)
'=== at the end, if internet explorer was not closed, we close it
if bready=false then
set oie=nothing
end if
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " END"
end if
if logall = 1 then
end if
'=== we end wscript.exe, exiting all running code interpretation
'=== many subs
'=== if internet explorer is closed (event) we change bready value to TRUE
sub IE_onQuit()
end sub
'============================================== subs and functions ====================================
'=== frames clear content by navigating to a blank
'=== input is an array containing name of frames as "flef" = frame left
'=== this sub generate a code and execute it in a string (cc)
'=== fully dynamic programming at it's best ;)
function clefra(aara)
For Each afra In aara
intfra = Int(InStr("fleffmidfbot", afra) / 4)
'•uninitialized - Has not started loading yet
'•loading - Is loading
'•interactive - Has loaded enough and the user can interact with it
'•complete - Fully loaded
fraara = array("left","middle","bottom")
set tmpfra = crefra(fraara(intfra))
htmtab = "<input type=""hidden""/> "
'Call wrifra(tmpfra, htmtab)
Call fready(tmpfra)
Call relfra(tmpfra)
Call fready(tmpfra)
htmtab = ""
'=== backgrounds
'fraara(0) = ("<body background=""" & BASEDIR & "images_interface\fond_gauche.jpg"">")
'fraara(1) = ("<body background=""" & BASEDIR & "images_interface\fond_gris.jpg"">")
'fraara(2) = ("<body background=""" & BASEDIR & "images_interface\fond_gris.jpg"">")
'For Each astr In fraara(intfra)
' htmtab = htmtab & astr
Call fready(tmpfra)
resbutlefstr = ""
resbutmidstr = ""
resbutbotstr = ""
reskeylef = 0
reskeymid = 0
reskeybot = 0
end function
Function crefra(ffranam)
'Dim ffra As Object
err01 = 0
try01 = 0
ffra = ""
maxerr = 60 '=== 3 sec before fatal error
try01 = 1
fileversion = objFSO.GetFileVersion("C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe")
finddot = instr(fileversion,".")
fileversion2 = left(fileversion,finddot-1)
If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " " & ffranam)
if fileversion2 = "10" or fileversion2 = "11" then
'=== ie10 frame access
'set crefra = oIE.parent.Document.frames.item(ffranam).document
set crefra = oie.parent.document.getElementByid(ffranam).contentdocument
set crefra = oie.document.frames(ffranam).document
end if
'ffra = oIE.Document.frames.item(ffranam).document
'If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " crash creating frame again ")
End Function
Sub relfra(ffra)
'If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " error reloading frame dynbotcho")
End Sub
Sub fready(tmpfra)
' Dim err01 As Integer = 0
' Dim reasta As Integer
' Dim try01 As Integer = 0
' Do
' Try
' reasta = tmpfra.getElementsByTagName("input").length
'If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " ---------------- found tag input" & reasta)
' Do Until reasta > 0
' System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10)
' If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " ---------------- found tag input")
' reasta = tmpfra.getElementsByTagName("input").length
' Loop
' try01 = 1
' err01 = 0
' Catch ex As Exception
' err01 = err01 + 1
' try01 = 0
' System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50)
' End Try
' If err01 = 0 Or try01 = 1 Then Exit Do
' Loop Until err01 > 10
' If err01 > 10 Then If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " ERROR accessing frame: " & err01)
End Sub
function clefraold(aara)
for each aa in aara
'cc = cc & "Do While (oIE.Busy)" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & " wscript.sleep 200" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Loop" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Do While oie.readystate<>4" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & " wscript.sleep 200" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Loop" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & aa & ".location.reload(true)" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Do While (oIE.Busy)" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & " wscript.sleep 200" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Loop" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Do While oie.readystate<>4" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & " wscript.sleep 200" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Loop" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & aa & ".WriteLn("" "")" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & aa & ".location.reload(true)" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Do While oie.readystate<>4" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & " wscript.sleep 200" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Loop" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Do While (oIE.Busy)" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & " wscript.sleep 200" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Loop" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Do until " & aa & ".ReadyState = ""Terminé"" or " & aa & ".ReadyState = ""Complete""" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & " wscript.sleep 200" & vbcrlf
'cc = cc & "Loop" & vbcrlf
'•uninitialized - Has not started loading yet
'•loading - Is loading
'•interactive - Has loaded enough and the user can interact with it
'•complete - Fully loaded
if aa = "flef" then
aa = lcase(flef.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of flef: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(flef.readystate)
htmtab = htmtab & " "
aa = lcase(flef.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of flef: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(flef.readystate)
for each a in lefara
htmtab = htmtab & a
aa = lcase(flef.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of flef: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(flef.readystate)
end if
if aa = "fmid" then
aa = lcase(fmid.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of fmid: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(fmid.readystate)
htmtab = htmtab & " "
aa = lcase(fmid.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of fmid: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(fmid.readystate)
for each a in midara
htmtab = htmtab & a
aa = lcase(fmid.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of fmid: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(fmid.readystate)
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "mid frame cleared----------- ccc -----------"
end if
if aa = "fbot" then
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*****************111****************** readystate of fbot: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
htmtab = htmtab & " "
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*****************222****************** readystate of fbot: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
for each a in midara
htmtab = htmtab & a
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*****************333****************** readystate of fbot: " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(fbot.readystate)
end if
'execute cc
'=== we also clear the variables used to control the action buttons and the key pressed in each frames
'=== so the action wont be taken twice (or infinitly) in the main loop
'set flef = oie.document.frames("left").document
'set fmid = oie.document.frames("middle").document
'set fbot = oie.document.frames("bottom").document
'for i=0 to ubound(arabutnam)
' flef.forms(0).elements(arabutnam(i)).onclick = getref("buttonlef")
'=== we also chek the key presse in each frame
'=== we do this cause we want "enter" key to be used instead of pressing "ok" button with the mouse
'set flef.onkeypress = GetRef("Checklef")
'set fmid.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkmid")
'set fbot.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkbot")
resbutlefstr = ""
resbutmidstr = ""
resbutbotstr = ""
reskeylef = 0
reskeymid = 0
reskeybot = 0
end function
'=== form dynamically generated =========================================================================
function dynforgen (distmp, namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,title)
'=== generate a form for input in the input frame (fmid object)
'=== focus on the first field with no default value
'=== display suffix message in red if "error" (or "erreur" - french) keyword is in it
for each a in midara
htmtab = htmtab & a
htmtab = htmtab & "<h3><span class=SpellE>" & title & "</span></h3>"
'=== default focus on empty field (with no default value)
for ii=0 to ubound(namtmp)
if deftmp(ii)="" then
if instr(lcase(errtmp(ii)),"facultatif")=0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<BODY onLoad=""document.form01." & namtmp(ii) & ".focus()"">"
end if
end if
'=== no default value empty, we focus on first field
if deffoc=0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<BODY onLoad=""document.form01." & namtmp(0) & ".focus()"">"
end if
htmtab = htmtab & "<div class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</div>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<form name=form01>"
'=== button and error message
for ii=0 to ubound(namtmp)
htmtab = htmtab & distmp(ii) & ": "
'=== we disable "enter" to submit form because we manage this event as a onkeypress in the parent frame of the form later
'=== we had to do this, because the web page form is not run on a server, and the web page dont have control, the VBS script outside the page have control
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""" & typtmp(ii) & """ id=" & namtmp(ii) & " NAME=""" & namtmp(ii) & """ size=""" & max(20,len(deftmp(ii))) & """ value=""" & deftmp(ii) & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"""
if instr(lcase(errtmp(ii)),"error")<>0 or instr(lcase(errtmp(ii)),"erreur")<>0 then
end if
htmtab = htmtab & " <b><span style='color:" & col & "'> " & errtmp(ii) & "</span></b><br style='mso-special-character:line-break'>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]><br style='mso-special-character:line-break'>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<![endif]></p>"
for ii=0 to ubound(buttmp)
typ01 = "button"
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""" & typ01 & """ name=""" & buttmp(ii) & """ value="" " & buttmp(ii) & " "">"
htmtab = htmtab & "          "
htmtab = htmtab & "</div>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</form>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</body>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</html>"
fmid.writeln htmtab
'=== wait for internet explorer to be ready after we refresh the page with the new form
for ii=0 to ubound(buttmp)
Do While (oIE.Busy)
wscript.sleep 100
do while oie.readystate<>4
wscript.sleep 100
'=== value to return for each button in the form
fmid.forms(0).elements(buttmp(ii)).onclick = getref("buttonmid")
'=== regenerate the event that call a sub if a button is pressed
set fmid.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkmid")
'=== clear button pressed and key pressed for this frame
end function
'=== max
Function max(a, b)
If a > b Then max = a Else max = b
End Function
function crewebmai(oie, doctit, maitit, arabutnam, arabutdes, aradepnam, aradepcol)
'=== create an internet explorer object (oie) that will be in 3 frames (flef, fmid, fbot), acting at the main interface for all this program
oie.FullScreen = False
'.ToolBar = False
'.StatusBar = False
'.visible = true
oIE.left=0 ' window position
oIE.top = 0 ' and other properties
' .resizeto 640,300
' .moveto (.screen.width
oIE.height = 500
oIE.width = 500
oIE.menubar = 1 '=== no menu
oIE.toolbar = 1
oIE.statusbar = 1
oIE.RegisterAsDropTarget = True
oie.document.title = doctit
oiewid = oie.document.parentwindow.screen.width
oiehei = oie.document.parentwindow.screen.height
sizwidpercent = 100
sizheipercent = 95
loswid = 100-sizwidpercent
loshei = 100-sizheipercent
newwid = oiewid*sizwidpercent*.01
newhei = oiehei*sizheipercent*.01
oie.document.parentwindow.resizeto newwid,newhei
newx = oiewid * loswid * .01 /2
newy = oiehei * (loshei/2) * .01 /2
oie.document.parentwindow.moveto newx, newy
oIE.visible = 1 '=== visible on
'=== we will always have 3 frames, control, input and output (flef, fmid, fbot)
'=== used an array to have a good view of the line of html and possibility to add something else easily
"<HEAD><TITLE>" & doctit & "</TITLE>",_
"<meta content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"" http-equiv=""Content-Type"">",_
"<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=8"">",_
"<FRAMESET id='main' COLS=""13%, *"">",_
"<FRAME SRC=""About:Blank"" NAME=""left"" id=""left"">",_
"<frameset id='main2' rows=""30%,70%"">",_
"<FRAME SRC=""About:Blank"" NAME=""middle"" id=""middle"">",_
"<FRAME SRC=""About:Blank"" NAME=""bottom"" id=""bottom"">",_
"</FRAMESET>", _
"</frameset>", _
'=== send the array content in internet explorer to create 3 frames
for i = 0 to UBound(aratmp, 1)
Do While (oIE.Busy)
wscript.sleep 50
'=== wait till document loaded
do while oie.readystate<>4
wscript.sleep 50
'=== vista activate
'=== make internet explorer the main active window
a = objShe.AppActivate("http:/// - " & doctit & " - M")
a = objShe.AppActivate(doctit & " - M")
'=== theses objects are used to send data to the 3 different frames
'=== if you dont define them as object, the access to them is very slow when we use the names instead of the objects
'=== object used to write in a frame with writeln
fileversion = objFSO.GetFileVersion("C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe")
finddot = instr(fileversion,".")
fileversion2 = left(fileversion,finddot-1)
if fileversion2 = "10" or fileversion2 = "11" then
'=== ie10 frame access
set flef = oie.parent.document.getElementByid("left").contentdocument
set fmid = oie.parent.document.getElementByid("middle").contentdocument
set fbot = oie.parent.document.getElementByid("bottom").contentdocument
set flef = oie.document.frames("left").document
set fmid = oie.document.frames("middle").document
set fbot = oie.document.frames("bottom").document
end if
'=== object used to navigate an empty page in a frame
'set flefl = oie.document.frames("left").location
'set fmidl = oie.document.frames("middle").location
'set fbotl = oie.document.frames("bottom").location
'=== string result for a button press in a frame (lef = left frame, mid = middle frame (up))
'=== all the chek to be made in first page (1 at the moment, since ready have many values)
nbrbut=UBound(arabutnam, 1)
redim buttag(nbrbut)
form = "flef"
flef.WriteLn("<body background=""" & basedir & "images_interface\fond_gauche.jpg"">")
flef.WriteLn("<h3><span class=SpellE>" & maitit & "</span></h3>")
flef.WriteLn("<form name='form1'>")
'(1) Where you want the image to appear: <span id="image"></span>
'(2) Get a reference to it: var e = document.getElementById('image');
'(3) Insert the img HTML code into the span: e.innerHTML = '<img src="./images/your_picture.jpg" />';
'aa = """file:///" & basedir & "PhotoHydComponent\002-00_HydroCraft_HC-EC_EndCover.jpg"""
'aa = "'" & basedir & "PhotoHydComponent\002-00_HydroCraft_HC-EC_EndCover.jpg'"
'aa = """./test.jpg"""
'aa = replace(aa,"\","/")
htmtab = ""
'htmtab = htmtab & "<img src=" & aa & " alt=" & aa & " />"
'oie.document.getElementById("middle").document.body.innerhtml = htmtab
'document.getElementById("myiframe").contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Click' onclick='parent.buttonClick()'>";
'<script type="text/javascript">
'<script type="text/javascript">
'function chanceImage() {
'document.getElementById('image).innerHTML = '<img src="image.png" alt="Image" border="0">';
'htmtab = ""
'htmtab = htmtab & "<script type=""text/javascript"">"
'htmtab = htmtab & "document.getElementById(""middle"").contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = '<img src=" & aa & " alt=""Image"" border=""0"">';"
'htmtab = htmtab & "</script>"
'fmid.writeln htmtab
'=== removed 2015-10-25
'oie.document.getElementById("middle").contentWindow.document.body.innerhtml = htmtab
for i=0 to ubound(arabutnam)
'=== convert xls to mdb button appear for stas only
if ((usenam="wildboy" or usenam="fournier.serge" or usenam="fortin.jp" or usenam="lavoie.daniel" or usenam="doucet.gm") and arabutnam(i)="excel2mdb") or arabutnam(i)<>"excel2mdb" then
'style="background-color: #cc0000; color: #ffffff;" /
b = "<input type=""button"" style=""height:50px;font-size:14px;width:100%;"" name=""" & arabutnam(i) & """ value=""" & arabutdes(i) & """"
if i>ubound(aradepnam) then
end if
if a<>lasdep then
'=== new departement name
flef.WriteLn( "<br>" & a & "<br>")
end if
b = b & " style=""background-color: #" & aradepcol(i2) & "; color: #000000;""><br>"
end if
'=== we dont refresh this frame, its the first one
end function
'=== sub to call when something is pressed
'=== called for many buttons, return the button name or a keyboard code (Ascii)
sub buttonlef
set src = flef.parentWindow.event.srcElement
resbutlefstr = src.name
end sub
sub buttonmid
set src = fmid.parentWindow.event.srcElement
resbutmidstr = src.name
end sub
sub buttonbot
set src = fbot.parentWindow.event.srcElement
resbutbotstr = src.name
end sub
sub Checklef
reskeylef = flef.parentWindow.event.keycode
end sub
sub Checkmid
reskeymid = fmid.parentWindow.event.keycode
end sub
sub Checkbot
reskeybot = fbot.parentWindow.event.keycode
end sub
'=== unblur
sub onblurlef
set src = flef.parentWindow.event.srcElement
resblulefstr = src.name
resblulefval = src.value
resblulefid = src.id
end sub
sub onblurmid
set src = fmid.parentWindow.event.srcElement
resblumidstr = src.name
resblumidval = src.value
resblumidid = src.id
end sub
sub onblurbot
set src = fbot.parentWindow.event.srcElement
resblubotstr = src.name
resblubotval = src.value
resblubotid = src.id
end sub
'=== chek in the actual folder if a file exist
function filsea(filname)
'=== chek also actual folder for a "Rappel_LOG" file (instr)
Set objFolder2 = objFSO.GetFolder(basedir)'=== dir
Set objFiles2 = objFolder2.files '=== fichiers
found=0 '=== fichier de rapport pas trouve
For Each objFile3 in objFiles2
nomfile =objfile3.name
nomfile= lcase(nomfile)
end function
'=== delete a table in a database
function tabdel()
for each tab in objcat.Tables
If tab.Type = "TABLE" Then
'=== object.delete not supported, so we delete with name
objcat.tables.delete b
fbot.WriteLn("delete: " & b & "<br>")
end function
'=== for reference
function dynbotcho00
For each dia01 in choiceara
sql = makque(dia01,tab,sel,whe,"","=","")
a = exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
'=== make same array for a multiples queries
if tag.eof=0 then
'a = dynbotcho("DIAGNOSTIC",tag,0,sql,1,1,1,1) '=== 1 2 3
if ubound(choiceara)=0 and i3=0 then
a = dynbotcho("DIAGNOSTIC",tag,0,sql,1,1,1,1) '=== 1 2 3
elseif i3=0 then
'=== header
a = dynbotcho("DIAGNOSTIC",tag,0,sql,1,1,0,0) '=== 1 2 3
elseif i3<>ubound(choiceara) and i3<>0 then
'=== footer
a = dynbotcho("DIAGNOSTIC",tag,0,sql,0,1,0,0) '=== 1 2 3
elseif i3=ubound(choiceara) then
a = dynbotcho("DIAGNOSTIC",tag,0,sql,0,1,1,1) '=== 1 2 3
end if
i3 = i3 + 1
'=== 0 results
a = nores(sql)
end if
end function
function dynbotcho(ffra, ttext, aaratit, aara, cc01 ,hh, mm, ff, rr, ttxtbox,ffranam)
'=== ffra frame to use for display (object)
'=== ttext to display
'=== aara = array with what to display
'=== cc01 = choice button (no choice button when we display disgnostics, cause of multiple tables in one)
'=== sql = sql query for debugging
'=== hh = 1 = header
'=== mm = 1 = middle
'=== bb = 1 = footer
'=== rr = 1 = reload at end
'=== ttxtbox = all data are in a textbox so we can edit them (1) no date in text box (0)
'=== ffranam = frame name
htmtab = ""
if ffranam = "lef" then
for each a in lefara
htmtab = htmtab & a
end if
if ffranam = "mid" then
for each a in midara
htmtab = htmtab & a
end if
if ffranam = "bot" then
for each a in botara
htmtab = htmtab & a
end if
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "--- the sub dynbotcho has been called"
call oieready
'=== print button
priara = array("<input type=""button"" onClick=""javascript:print()"" value=""Print""/>")
xmax = UBound(aara, 1) 'Returns the Number of columns --- elements in first dimension
'on error resume next
on error resume next
'=== chek the number of elements in second dimension, if there is none, then the array is only a list with 1 column
ymax = UBound(aara, 2) 'Returns the Number of rows --- elements in second dimension
'=== number of dimensions in case there is only 1 column
if err<>0 then
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " max column: " & xmax
end if
if logall=1 then
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " max column: " & xmax
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " max row : " & ymax
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " offset : " & maxoff
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " offsetnow : " & offset
end if
end if
on error goto 0
if dimnum=2 then
if totrec>=maxoff then ymax=maxoff+offset-1
if ymax>totrec then ymax=totrec
'if ymax>maxoff then ymax=maxoff
end if
'=== web script for buttons to return the number of the button that was pressed
htmtab = htmtab & "<form name=form01>"
'=== print button
if hh=1 then
for each a in priara
htmtab = htmtab & a
'if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "*-------============*"
'ffra.WriteLn("<BODY onLoad=""document.form01." & namtmp(0) & ".focus()"">")
if cc01=0 then htmtab = htmtab & "<br><br>"
end if
'=== search button only if bottom frame
if ffranam="bot" and cc01<>0 then
'fmid.WriteLn(" <input type=""" & typtmp(ii) & """ id=" & namtmp(ii)NAME=""" & namtmp(ii) & """ size=""" & max(20,len(deftmp(ii))) & """ value=""" & deftmp(ii) & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13""")
if secseatag=1 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""textbox"" style=""width:15%;"" id=""boxsearch"" NAME=""boxsearch"" size=""20"" value=""" & strsearch & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"">"
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""button"" name=""Search"" value=""Search"">"
end if
end if
if totrec>=maxoff and cc01<>0 then
'htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""button"" name=""" & "but" & trim(cstr(yy+1)) & """ value=""" & "Select " & yy+1 & """"
'htmtab = htmtab & " style=""background-color: #" & "cccccc" & "; color: #000000;""><br>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""button"" name=""Precedent"" value=""Precedent"">"
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""button"" name=""Next"" value=""Next"">"
'ffra.WriteLn(" style=""background-color: #" & "cccccc" & "; color: #000000;"">")
end if
if ffranam="bot" and cc01<>0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "Displaying " & offset + 1 & " to " & ymax + 1 & " / " & totrec + 1 & " Records"
htmtab = htmtab & "<br><br>"
end if
'=== select buttons
if cc01<>0 then
'=== buttons var only if select is active
if cc01<>0 then
for yy=0 to ymax
end if
end if
'=== header
if hh=1 then
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "--- header frame"
htmtab = htmtab & ttext & "<b><table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none'>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<CAPTION></CAPTION><span style='color:purple'>" & vbcrlf
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
'=== tableau html
htmtab = htmtab & "<TR>"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
For Each a In aaratit
'=== columns names
if cc01<>0 then if i=0 then htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>Select</td>"
'=== test to insert text box inside each field with a default value for editing
if test=0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & Trim(a) & "</td>"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
'=== futur button to order by that column
'=== futur textbox to search in this column
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & Trim(a) & "</td>"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
end if
if dimnum=1 then exit for
htmtab = htmtab & "</tr>"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
end if
'=== middle
if mm=1 then
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "--- middle frame"
'=== x is inversed when only one column
if dimnum=1 then
'=== no offset possible here
'=== there is 2 dimensions, that mean multiple row
'=== so we must assume there is an offset
end if
For yy = ymin To ymax
htmtab = htmtab & "<TR>"
if dimnum=2 then
'=== multiple row
For xx = 0 To xmax
'If IsNull(myarray(xx, yy)) Then myarray(xx, yy) = ""
if xx=0 and cc01<>0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""button"" name=""" & "but" & trim(cstr(yy+1)) & """ value=""" & "Select " & yy+1 & """"
htmtab = htmtab & " style=""background-color: #" & "cccccc" & "; color: #000000;""><br>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</td>"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
end if
if ttxtbox=0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & aara(xx, yy) & "</td>"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
'aa="<input type=""textbox"" style=""width:100%;"" id=""box" & xx & "_" & yy & """ NAME=""box" & xx & "_" & yy & """ size=""" & max(1,len(aara(xx, yy))) & """ value=""" & aara(xx, yy) & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"""
ffra.WriteLn("<td><p><input type=""textbox"" style=""width:100%;"" id=""box" & xx & "_" & yy & """ NAME=""box" & xx & "_" & yy & """ size=""" & max(1,len(aara(xx, yy))) & """ value=""" & aara(xx, yy) & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13""></td>")
'htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & aara(yy, xx) & "</td>"
'if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
end if
'=== there is only 1 row
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<input type=""button"" name=""" & "but" & trim(cstr(yy+1)) & """ value=""" & "Select " & yy+1 & """"
htmtab = htmtab & " style=""background-color: #" & "cccccc" & "; color: #000000;""><br>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</td>"
if ttxtbox=0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & aara(yy) & "</td>"
aa="<input type=""textbox"" style=""width:100%;"" id=""box" & yy & """ NAME=""box" & yy & """ size=""" & max(1,len(aara(yy))) & """ value=""" & aara(yy) & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"""
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & aa & "</td>"
'htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & aara(yy, xx) & "</td>"
end if
end if
htmtab = htmtab & "</tr>" & vbcrlf
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
end if
'=== footer
if ff=1 then
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "--- footer frame"
htmtab = htmtab & "</table></span></b><br>"
if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "--- writing data into frame"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
end if
htmtab = htmtab & "</form>"
if fast=1 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab):htmtab=""
aa = lcase(ffra.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of " & ffranam & ": " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(ffra.readystate)
if fast=0 then ffra.WriteLn(htmtab)
'=== reload (will not reload if we are in middle of a muliple elements/query table)
if rr=1 then
if logall=1 then
'fil02.writeline htmtab
fil02.writeline "--- reloading FRAME"
end if
'oie.document.getElementById("bottom").innerhtml htmtab
aa = lcase(ffra.readystate)
do until aa="complete" or aa="terminé" or aa="interactive"
if logall = 1 then fil02.writeline "*********************************** readystate of " & ffranam & ": " & aa
wscript.sleep 100
aa = lcase(ffra.readystate)
end if
'=== ?
if mm=1 and cc01<>0 then
For yy = ymin To ymax
if dimnum=2 then
ffra.forms(0).elements("but" & trim(cstr(yy+1))).onclick = getref("button" & ffranam)
'=== there is only 1 column
ffra.forms(0).elements("but" & trim(cstr(yy+1))).onclick = getref("button" & ffranam)
end if
end if
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " max column: " & totrec
end if
if totrec>=maxoff and cc01<>0 then
ffra.forms(0).elements("Precedent").onclick = getref("button" & ffranam)
ffra.forms(0).elements("Next").onclick = getref("button" & ffranam)
end if
if ffranam="bot" and cc01<>0 then
if secseatag<>0 then
ffra.forms(0).elements("Search").onclick = getref("button" & ffranam)
end if
end if
set ffra.onkeypress = GetRef("Check" & ffranam)
'for i=0 to ubound(arabutnam)
' flef.forms(0).elements(arabutnam(i)).onclick = getref("buttonlef")
end function
sub oieready()
do while oie.readystate<>4
wscript.sleep 50
'if logall=1 then fil02.writeline "============== oie readystate: " & oie.readystate
' wscript.sleep 100
'loop until oie.ReadyState = "Terminé" or oie.ReadyState = "Complete"
Do While (oIE.Busy)
wscript.sleep 50
end sub
'=== ssea = search string
'=== tab 0 symptoms
'=== tab 1 components
'=== tab 2 diagnostics
'=== tab 3 causes
'=== ttyp 0 search
'=== ttyp 1 fast results
'=== ttyp 2 detail results
'=== ssufix = ordere by or something at the end of query
' order and %
function makque(ssea, ttab, sselect,wwhere, ssufix,ooper,wwild)
ssea = replace(ssea,"'","''")
ssea = trim(ssea)
sseaara = split(ssea," ") '=== array of all words for search
ss = "select "
ii = 0
'=== columns to search in
for each aa in allara(ttab,sselect)
ss = ss & aa
if ii<>ubound(allara(ttab,1),sselect) then ss = ss & ","
'=== from table
ss = ss & " from [" & alltab(ttab) & "] "
if len(ssea)<>0 then
ss = ss & "where ("
'=== search word(S) in table, AND operator
ii = 0
for each ss2 in sseaara
for each aa in allara(ttab,wwhere)
if wwild="" then
ss = ss & "[" & aa & "] " & ooper & " " & wwild & ss2 & wwild
ss = ss & "[" & aa & "] " & ooper & " '" & wwild & ss2 & wwild & "'"
end if
if ii2 <> UBound(allara(ttab,wwhere), 1) then ss = ss & " or "
if ii <> UBound(sseaara, 1) then ss = ss & ") and ("
'=== order by a column name
ss = ss & ")" & ssufix
ss = ss & ssufix
end if
makque = ss
end function
function exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
on error resume next
set tag = objcon.execute(SQL)
if err<>0 then
aaa= err.description
on error goto 0
l1 = "error in query"
l2 = "query: " & sql
l3 = "error: " & aaa
l4 = "the program will now end"
fbot.WriteLn(l1 & "<BR><br>" & l2 & "<BR><br>" & l3 & "<BR><br>" & l4 & "<BR><br>")
'msgbox(l1 & vbcrlf & l2 & vbcrlf & l3 & vbcrlf & l4 & vbcrlf)
if logall=1 then
fil02.writeline "query:"
fil02.writeline sql
fil02.writeline err.description
end if
end if
end function
'=== tab = table object (adox)
'=== colnam = string containing column name
function crecol(tab,colnam)
Set objcol = CreateObject("ADOX.Column")
'typdat=202 '=== string adVarWChar
'typdat=131 '=== float adnumeric
typdat=3 '=== integer adinteger
if typdat=3 then a="adinteger"
if typdat=202 then a="adVarWChar"
if typdat=131 then a="adnumeric"
objcol.name = colnam
objcol.type = typdat
if typdat = 3 or typdat = 202 then
objcol.DefinedSize = maxlen
if typdat=3 then
'=== must set parent catalog before setting autoincrement
Set objcol.ParentCatalog = objcat
end if
elseif typdat = 131 then
objcol.precision = 28
objcol.numericscale = 8
end if
fbot.WriteLn("column creation: " & colnam & "<br>")
Tab.Columns.Append objcol
end function
'=== count the number of record in the array
function cnttotrec(aara)
xmax = UBound(aara, 1) 'Returns the Number of columns --- elements in first dimension
on error resume next
'=== chek the number of elements in second dimension, if there is none, then the array is only a list with 1 column
ymax = UBound(aara, 2) 'Returns the Number of rows --- elements in second dimension
'=== number of dimensions in case there is only 1 column
if err<>0 then
aa = xmax
aa = ymax
end if
on error goto 0
cnttotrec = aa
end function
function dynmidres(TTEXT,aara,rres,aaratit,ccoltot)
call oieready
htmtab = htmtab & "<HTML><BODY>"
for each a in midara
htmtab = htmtab & a
htmtab = htmtab & TTEXT & ": " & rres & "<b><table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border:none'>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<CAPTION></CAPTION><span style='color:purple'>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<TR>"
For Each aa In aaratit
'=== columns names
if i=0 then htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>Choice</td>"
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & Trim(aa) & "</td>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</tr>"
For xx = 0 To ccoltot
'If IsNull(myarray(xx, yy)) Then myarray(xx, yy) = ""
if xx=0 then
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>"
htmtab = htmtab & rres
htmtab = htmtab & "</td>"
end if
htmtab = htmtab & "<td><p>" & aara(xx,rres-1) & "</td>"
'col = col & myarray(xx, yy)
htmtab = htmtab & "</tr>"
htmtab = htmtab & "</table></span></b><br>"
'=== image of the component
aa = """file://" & basedir & "PhotoHydComponent\002-00_HydroCraft_HC-EC_EndCover.jpg"""
aa = replace(aa,"\","/")
'<DIV style='display:none'><IMG SRC='image.gif'></DIV>
htmtab = htmtab & "<img src=" & aa & " alt=" & aa & " />"
htmtab = htmtab & "</BODY></HTML>"
oie.document.getElementById("middle").contentWindow.document.body.innerhtml = htmtab
end function
set bb= nothing
BB = Split(AA, SS)
set aa2=nothing
AA2 = array("newsplittedarray")
for each cc in bb
if cc<>"" then
redim PRESERVE aa2(ii)
end if
split2 = aa2
function bigtablewait()
wscript.sleep 100
'=== while we wait for input value (or button press), user can press "escape" key, "cancel" button or close internet explorer
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
if resbutbotstr="Precedent" then
if offset<>a then
'=== totrec total number of record (displayed at end of first line)
'=== maxoff maxiumm number of row in a page
'=== offset page flip number (multiple of maxoff)
a = dynbotcho(fbot, tabnam2, aratit, ara01, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, edtmod,"bot")
end if
end if
if resbutbotstr="Next" then
if offset>totrec then offset=offset-maxoff
if offset<>a then
a = dynbotcho(fbot, tabnam2, aratit, ara01, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, edtmod,"bot")
end if
end if
if resbutbotstr="Search" or reskeybot=13 then
'=== make a dynamic query to search for every words in every columns
'makque(ssea, ttab, sselect,wwhere, ssufix,ooper,wwild)
'if whe=3 then whe=0
sql = makque(strsearch,tab,sel,whe,"",ooper,wwild)
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " QUERY: "
fil02.WriteLine sql
'fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " Autoincrement status: " & objcol.Properties("AutoIncrement")
end if
a = exesql(objcon,tag,sql)
if tag.eof=0 then
redim myarray(coltot,0)
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>total columns: " & coltot & "<br>")
for i=0 to coltot
myarray(i,0)="ERROR there was 0 record in this query"
fbot.WriteLn("<br>ERROR<br>" & sql & "<br><br>gave 0 results<br>")
end if
totrec = cnttotrec(myarray)
if logall=1 then
fil02.WriteLine date & " " & time & " total records: " & totrec+1
end if
a = dynbotcho(fbot, tabnam2, aratit, ara01, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, edtmod,"bot")
end if
loop while resbutbotstr=""
end function
function edit_xml_node(colNodes01,filename01)
'=== make a big table that will contain other tables inside
h = "<!DOCTYPE html>"
h = h & "<html>"
h = h & "<head>"
h = h & "<style>"
h = h & "table#items01 tr:nth-child(even) {"
h = h & "background-color: #eee;"
h = h & "}"
h = h & "</style>"
h = h & "</head>"
h = h & "<body>"
h = h & "<form name=form01>"
'=== box to focus (first editable data)
'h = h & "<BODY onLoad=""document.form01.facturation.focus()"">"
h = h & "<table width=""100%"" BORDERCOLOR=""black"" class=MsoTableGrid border=1 CELLSPACING=0 cellpadding=2 style='border-collapse:collapse;border: 1px solid black'>"
'h = h & "<script type=""text/javascript"">"
'h = h & "function message(nodename) {"
'h = h & "var text = document.getElementById(nodename).value;"
'h = h & "alert(text);"
'h = h & "}"
'h = h & "</script>"
' test indexed node access
'colNodes01(0)(0)(0) = "test"
'Set objRecord = xmlDoc.createElement("billfrom")
'objRoot.appendChild objRecord
'objRecord.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Contracteur"
'Set objFieldValue = xmlDoc.createElement("compagny")
'objfieldvalue.SetAttribute "displaynamefra", "Compagnie"
'objFieldValue.Text = ""
'objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue
'Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'xmlDoc.Async = "False"
'xmlDoc.Load(basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml")
'Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes ("/ITChecklist/ComputerAudit [ComputerName = 'atl-ws-100']")
'For Each objNode in colNodes
' xmlDoc.documentElement.removeChild(objNode)
'xmlDoc.Save basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
'=== working
'Set colNodes02=xmlDoc.selectNodes("/facturation/billfrom/name")
'For Each objNode in colNodes02
' objnode.text = "serge fournier 555"
'txt = colnodes01(0).childNodes(0).childnodes(1).nodename
'fbot.WriteLn("<br>" & txt)
' textbox creation to be able to edit xml nodes
rootcnt01 = 0
prefix01 = "x" '=== textbox id need to start by a letter to defnie an event on it
prefix02 = "a" '=== this textbox ID is an attribute in xml, we treat it differently
For Each objNode01 in colNodes01
' root name
h = h & "<tr>" '=== line 1
text01 = objnode01.nodeName
h = h & "<td>"
h = h & "<input type=""textbox"" id=" & text01 & " NAME=""" & text01
h = h & """ size=""" & max(15,len(text01)) & """ value=""" & text01 & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"">"
h = h & "<input type=""button"" name=""add" & text01 & """ value="" + "">"
h = h & "</td>"
'h = h & "<td>" & objnode01.nodeName & "</td>"
childcnt01 = 0
for each objnode02 in objnode01.childnodes
' first child
h = h & "<tr>" '=== line 1
text01 = objnode02.nodename
h = h & "<td></td><td>"
h = h & "<input type=""textbox"" id=" & text01 & " NAME=""" & text01
h = h & """ size=""" & max(15,len(text01)) & """ value=""" & text01 & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"">"
h = h & "<input type=""button"" name=""add" & text01 & """ value="" + "">"
h = h & "</td>"
'h = h & "<td></td><td>" & objnode02.nodename & "</td>"
' header (in bold)
h = h & "<tr>"
h = h & "<td></td><td></td>"
h = h & "<td><b>Nodename</b></td>"
h = h & "<td><b>Node Text</b></td>"
'For Each objChild02 In objnode02.childNodes
' for each attribute01 in objchild02.attributes
h = h & "<td><b>Attribute Name</b></td>"
h = h & "<td><b>Attribute Text</b></td>"
' next
h = h & "</tr>"
recordcnt01 = 0
For Each objChild02 In objnode02.childNodes
h = h & "<tr>"
' node name
h = h & "<td></td><td></td><td>" & objchild02.nodename & "</td>"
'h = h & "<td>" & displaynamefra & "</td>"
' nodetext
'txt = colnodes01(0).childNodes(0).childnodes(1).nodename
'=== use exact rootnode/childnode/childnode number to put in the ID of the text box
'id01 = objnode02.nodename & "__" & objchild02.nodename
id01 = prefix01 & rootcnt01 & "_" & childcnt01 & "_" & recordcnt01
text01 = objchild02.text
h = h & "<td>"
'=== we add an X before the name, case a textbox without a name is BAD
h = h & "<input type=""textbox"" id=""" & id01 & """ NAME=""" & id01
'h = h & """ size=""" & max(15,len(text01)) & """ value=""" & text01 & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"" onblur=message(" & objchild02.nodename & ");>"
h = h & """ size=""" & max(15,len(text01)) & """ value=""" & text01 & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"");>"
'=== futur
'h = h & "<input type=""button"" name=""add" & text01 & """ value="" + "">"
h = h & "</td>"
' node attributes
attributescnt01 = 0
for each attribute01 in objchild02.attributes
'=== if there is more than one atribute, we go to the next line for the next one
if attributescnt01 > 0 then
'=== uncomment this for the attributes to display vertically
'h = h & "</tr><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>"
end if
'displaynamefra = objchild02.getattribute("displaynamefra")
h = h & "<td>" & attribute01.name
h = h & "</td>"
text01 = attribute01.text
id01 = prefix02 & rootcnt01 & "_" & childcnt01 & "_" & recordcnt01 & "_" & attributescnt01
h = h & "<td>"
h = h & "<input type=""textbox"" id=""" & id01 & """ NAME=""" & id01
h = h & """ size=""" & max(15,len(text01)) & """ value=""" & text01 & """ onKeypress=""return event.keyCode!=13"">"
'h = h & "<input type=""button"" name=""add" & text01 & """ value="" + "">"
h = h & "</td>"
attributescnt01 = attributescnt01 + 1
'h = h & "<script type=""text/javascript"">"
'h = h & "document.getElementById(""" & objchild02.nodename & """).onblur=message(""" & objchild02.nodename & """);"
'h = H & "</script>"
'h = h & "<td>" & objchild02.text & "</td>"
'fbot.WriteLn("<td>" & displaynamefra & " " & objchild02.text)
'fmid.forms(0).elements(buttmp(ii)).onblur = getref("buttonmid")
'=== regenerate the event that call a sub if a button is pressed
'set fmid.onkeypress = GetRef("Checkmid")
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 1
recordcnt01 = recordcnt01 + 1
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 1
childcnt01 = childcnt01 + 1
rootcnt01 = rootcnt01 + 1
h = h & "</tr>" '=== line 1
h = h & "</form>"
h = h & "</body>"
h = h & "</html>"
Do While (oIE.Busy)
wscript.sleep 50
'=== wait till document loaded
do while oie.readystate<>4
wscript.sleep 50
' event creation for unblur (leaving/unselecting a textbox)
rootcnt01 = 0
For Each objNode01 in colNodes01
root01 = objnode01.nodeName '=== facturation
'=== any node under root
childcnt01 = 0
for each objnode02 in objnode01.childnodes
text01 = objnode02.nodename '=== bill
recordcnt01 = 0
For Each objChild02 In objnode02.childNodes
h = h & "<tr>"
'displaynamefra = objchild02.getattribute("displaynamefra")
'=== not editable
'text01 = displaynamefra
if instr(objnode02.nodename,"_")<>0 then
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>ERROR you cannot use underscore _ in name: " & objnode02.nodename )
end if
if instr(objchild02.nodename,"_")<>0 then
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>ERROR you cannot use undesrcore _ in name: " & objchild02.nodename)
end if
'name01 = objnode02.nodename & "__" & objchild02.nodename
id01 = prefix01 & rootcnt01 & "_" & childcnt01 & "_" & recordcnt01
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>Event defined on: " & id01 & " ---" & objnode02.nodename & " --- " & objChild02.nodename)
on error resume next
set fbot.form01.elements(id01).onblur = getref("onblurbot")
if err=0 then
'fmid.WriteLn("---" & name01)
fmid.WriteLn("<br>ERROR defining event onblur for: " & id01 & " id of the element might be defined twice in the same html form")
end if
on error goto 0
'=== attribute event
attributescnt01 = 0
for each attribute01 in objchild02.attributes
id01 = prefix02 & rootcnt01 & "_" & childcnt01 & "_" & recordcnt01 & "_" & attributescnt01
on error resume next
set fbot.form01.elements(id01).onblur = getref("onblurbot")
if err=0 then
'fmid.WriteLn("---" & name01)
fmid.WriteLn("<br>ERROR defining event onblur for: " & id01 & " id of the element might be defined twice in the same html form")
end if
on error goto 0
attributescnt01 = attributescnt01 + 1
recordcnt01 = recordcnt01 + 1
childcnt01 = childcnt01 + 1
rootcnt01 = rootcnt01 + 1
exit for '=== we use only one root for the moment
'fbot.body.onBlur = GetRef("onblurbot")
Do While (oIE.Busy)
wscript.sleep 50
'=== wait till document loaded
do while oie.readystate<>4
wscript.sleep 50
'set fbot.forms(0).datedue.onblur = getref("onblurbot")
'=== wait for any modification to occur
'=== flag to tell if the input is not valid
'=== flag to say input is done, since there might be a defaut value, we must validate if user was finished
'=== check if blur event occured (switch out of an input box)
'=== resblubotstr = name of the
'=== resblubotval = new value in the text box
'=== resblubotid = id (from html) for the textbox
if resblubotstr<>"" and bready=false and resbutlefstr="" and reskeymid<>27 and resbutmidstr<>"cancel" then
'=== User has clicked on another textbox
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>" & resblubotstr & " --- " & resblubotid & " --- " & resblubotval)
'=== find the xml node parent and children (record and text) using textbox id, split chain is __ (double underscore)
'=== contain root number, childnodes number, record number
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>" & colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).nodename)
if mid(resblubotstr,1,1) = "x" then
'=== record text modification
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>resblubotstr: " & resblubotstr)
'=== the id of the textbox is splitted to find the index for the xml element we want to update:
'=== node (facturation)
'=== first child (bill)
'=== record (name)
idara01 = split(right(resblubotid,len(resblubotid)-len(prefix01)), "_")
if colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).text <> resblubotval then
change01 = 1
colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).text = resblubotval
change01 = 0
end if
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>node unblur: " & colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).nodename & " Old text: " & colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).text)
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>node unblur: " & colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).nodename & " New text: " & resblubotval)
'=== something changed, we save
elseif mid(resblubotstr,1,1) = "a" then
'=== attribute modification
'=== the id of the textbox is splitted to find the index for the xml element we want to update:
'=== node (facturation)
'=== first child (bill)
'=== record (name)
'=== attribute (displaynamefra)
idara01 = split(right(resblubotid,len(resblubotid)-len(prefix02)), "_")
'for each ara01 in idara01
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>attribute"& ara01)
'record01 = colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).text
'for each attribute01 in colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).attributes
' fmid.WriteLn("<br>attribute: "& attribute01.text)
if colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).attributes(idara01(3)).text <> resblubotval then
change01 = 1
colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).attributes(idara01(3)).text = resblubotval
change01 = 0
end if
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>attribute modif: " & colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).attributes(idara01(3)).text)
end if
if change01 = 1 then
'=== filename may change to new invoice if we change the number
Set colNodes02 = xmlDoc.selectNodes("/" & colnodes01(idara01(0)).nodename & "/bill/id")
For Each objNode in colNodes02
numero01 = objnode.text '=== number of the invoice to change the filename before saving
filename02 = basedir & "\facturation" & numero01 & ".xml"
xmlDoc.Save filename02
'=== what was modified in the xml tree
tree01 = "/" & colnodes01(idara01(0)).nodename
tree01 = tree01 & "/" & colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).nodename
tree01 = tree01 & "/" & colnodes01(idara01(0)).childNodes(idara01(1)).childnodes(idara01(2)).nodename
fmid.WriteLn("<br>node modified: " & tree01 & " --- xml doc saved")
end if
resblubotstr = ""
resblubotval = ""
resblubotid = ""
end if
wscript.sleep 50
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 or bready=true or resbutlefstr<>"" then
'=== if user pressed escape or cancel, we clear the frames
if resbutmidstr="cancel" or reskeymid=27 then
a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
end if
exit do
end if
loop while err01<>0 or inpdon=0
'fmid.WriteLn("<br>exiting edit")
end function
function validate(name110)
name110 = lcase(name110)
if name110 = "id" then name110 = "id"
'if instr(name110,"address")<>0 then name110 = replace(name110,"address","adres")
validate = name110
end function
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