Sunday, January 1, 2012

recursive multiple column and line title in excel

Finally, it's working!

this is a recursive sub that will read an array of titles and draw them with borders in excel sheet
the array can have as many sub array you want (that is what recursive is for)

You must have an excel page called "test"
Go in macros, ALT F11
New module
Insert this code

when fndallcol is = 1 the sub will be run to find columns names only
and number of columns in the same process
we will need the number of columns later to process the data that is under all thoses titles

there is 2 catagories in the arrays, "dummy" and "filtres". They are special
Dummy will not display
filtres will have a green cell with a green border under it to be able to apply a filter on thoses columns
So dummy and filtres are reserved words you must not use in the array for titles or any sub arrays

----- code ---------

'=== insert a button in a cell
Dim aracol(30)
Sub genmanualdf_dyn()
'====== generate manual - df page
'=== recursive sub for title and sub titles etc.
'=== dynamic for page reconstruction and references variables
'=== object oriented

'=== inbounds
'=== bar to check the columns we want to activate
'=== titles and sub titles (array with array in it)
'=== titles limitations: all titles first letters must be unique and verified so the column name can be unique too to access data
'=== example: p&id number will become PIN, the columns under it will become PN TITLE
'=== possibility of an empty column for better visual page setup
'=== keyword filter reserved for filter columns (filtres)

'=== outbound
'=== border around all title, sub titles etc.
'=== initials of the title over the line, for the line under, infinitly, so column name can stay uniques
'=== button to add a new element at the end of the table (checking if all columns are empty to get at the end)
'=== green border around filters box, to inform user he can type something there
'=== filters box active cell programmed to execute a sub after cell modification (put code in notepad? or windows buffer?)
'=== notification bubble in excel as comment or something like that, check of the usual notification bubble can be used

'=== get array full for titles and columns names
Call inivar

'=== aracol(2) = page 2 (manual - df)
'=== y and x starting points
ysta = 4
xsta = 4

'=== y and x sources points (sometimes we generate a destination page so we need to identify source and destination)
ysou = ysta
xsou = xsta

'=== first part is not recursive, we only generate column check mark to activate columns for further use
'=== green squares with "check mark" for activated, dark green squares with x for not activated

'=== must generate a new array with only columns name in it, we have to go for a recursive sub right now
'=== this new array will tell us how many column exist for real, if we remove all the titles over the columns names

'=== this sub will be the same as the one that will build the table of titles and sub titles
'=== but it will return an array with all column names if we call it readonly (parameter)
' array
' param1: find columns names and return them in an array
' param2: sheet in wich to draw the titles and sub titles with borders
Set she01 = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("test")

prefix = ""
ara02 = Array("all columns names will end up here, will redim it to get more")
totcol = 0
'=== level of recursiveness, when we come back to 0 we reset prefix column name
lev = 0
maxlev = 0
'=== just find the columns names, no title
fndallcol = 1

aracol(2) = Array( _
"dummy", Array("REV."), "FILTRES", Array("MECH. FILTER", "ELEC. FILTER"), "", "ITEM #", "P&ID NUMBER", Array("MAIN", "SUB"), _
Array("UNIT", "MIN", "SP OR SET / RESET", "MAX"), "NOTE")

'=== the sub must be called once with fndallcol to find columns names and max sub level of arrays for display purposes in excel
Call subtit(aracol(2), fndallcol, she01, prefix, ara02, totcol, lev, maxlev, ysta, xsta, cat)

'=== erase sheet if its a test
lasrow = she01.UsedRange.Rows(she01.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
LasCol = she01.UsedRange.Columns(she01.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column

Set rng01 = Range(she01.Cells(1, 1), she01.Cells(lasrow, LasCol))
If LCase(she01.Name) = "test" Then
    rng01.Value = ""
End If

prefix = ""
ara02 = Array("all columns names will end up here, will redim it to get more")
totcol = 0
'=== level of recursiveness, when we come back to 0 we reset prefix column name
lev = 0
'=== just find the columns names, no title
fndallcol = 0

'Call subtit(aracol(2), fndallcol, she01, prefix, ara02, totcol, lev, maxlev, ysta, xsta, cat, rngstay, rngstax)
Call subtit(aracol(2), fndallcol, she01, prefix, ara02, totcol, lev, maxlev, ysta, xsta, cat)

msg = UBound(ara02) + 1 & vbCrLf

For Each a In ara02
    msg = msg & a & vbCrLf
msg = msg & vbCrLf & maxlev
'MsgBox (msg)
she01.Cells(1, 1).Value = maxlev
End Sub

Sub subtit(ara01, fndallcol, she, prefix, ara02, totcol, lev, maxlev, y, x, cat)
'=== this will browse through all array and sub arrays and return an array with the column names in it
'=== a variable will contain the initials of the main title or multiples main titles for recursiveness
maxara = UBound(ara01)

For araele = 0 To maxara
    a = ara01(araele)
    If Not IsArray(a) Then
        ReDim Preserve ara02(totcol)
        If lev = 0 Then
            ara02(totcol) = a
            'MsgBox (prefix & vbCrLf & a)
            prefix = ""
            ara02(totcol) = prefix & a
        End If
        '=== build prefix for next sub title
        '=== split main title to get first letter of each word
        aratmp = Split(a, " ")
        allprefix = ""
        For Each pre In aratmp
            '=== get first letter of each word to make a prefix
            allprefix = allprefix & Mid(pre, 1, 1)
            If LCase(pre) = "filtres" Or LCase(pre) = "dummy" Then
                allprefix = a
            End If
        '=== add the main title prefix to the column name to make it unique
        If araele + 1 <= maxara Then
            If IsArray(ara01(araele + 1)) Then
                '=== this is a title, border start here
                '=== must be displayed as y+maxlev-lev-1
                prefix = prefix & allprefix & " "
                '=== we only want column names
                If fndallcol = 1 Then
                    '=== so we do not keep a main title that have sub titles
                    totcol = totcol - 1
                End If
                If fndallcol = 0 Then
                    '=== title position y is higher
                    cat = LCase(a)
                    If InStr(LCase(a), "filtres") <> 0 Then
                    ElseIf InStr(LCase(a), "dummy") <> 0 Then
                        cat = ""
                    End If
                    If cat <> "dummy" Then
                        she.Cells(y + lev, x + totcol).Value = a
                        rngstay = y + lev
                        rngstax = x + totcol
                    End If
                    tit = 1
                End If
                '=== we do not want the main title, we only want columns names
                If fndallcol = 0 Then x = x - 1
                tit = 0
            End If
            tit = 0
        End If
        '=== not a title, no sub array after it
        If fndallcol = 0 And tit = 0 Then
            '=== title without any sub titles
            she.Cells(y + maxlev, x + totcol).Value = a
            If a <> "" Then
                If cat = "dummy" Then yoff = -1 Else yoff = 0 '=== if dummy, border will be higher cause no title is displayed
                Call rngfor(Range(she.Cells(y + maxlev, x + totcol), she.Cells(y + lev + yoff, x + totcol)), 1, 3, 0, 0)
                If cat = "filtres" Then
                    Call rngfor(Range(she.Cells(y + maxlev, x + totcol), she.Cells(y + lev + yoff, x + totcol)), 1, 3, 0, 12)
                End If
            End If
        End If
        totcol = totcol + 1
        lev = lev + 1
        '=== remember the max array sub level for display in excel
        If fndallcol = 1 Then
            If lev > maxlev Then maxlev = lev
        End If
        Call subtit(a, fndallcol, she, prefix, ara02, totcol, lev, maxlev, y, x, cat)
        cat = ""
        If rngstay <> 0 And rngstax <> 0 Then
            Call rngfor(Range(she.Cells(rngstay, rngstax), she.Cells(y + lev, x + totcol - 1)), 1, 3, 0, 0)
        End If
    End If

lev = lev - 1
prefix = ""

End Sub

--------- end code

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