Hello again!
The event technique to see if internet explorer was ready did not work out at all
The event check were taking lots of cpu (on my i7!!!)
So i simply made a do loop with a try inside, to try every 1/10th of a second to access internet explorer (write in frame) for 1 sec. That was enough to remove any crash in windows xp
Futur: i'll need to manage every writing in internet explorer or any interacting with it, with the same do loop and try.
So here is the code, before i write in internet explorer, i put all my html in htmtab.
try01 = 0
err01 = 0
ffra = oIE.Document.frames.item("f" & ffranam.ToString).document
Catch ex As Exception
If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " crash creating frame again " & ex.Message)
err01 = err01 + 1
End Try
If err01 = 0 Then Exit Do
Loop Until err01 > 10
If err01 > 10 Then
If logall = 1 Then fil02.WriteLine(DateValue(Now) & " " & TimeValue(Now) & " error trying to recreate frame: " & err01)
End If
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