Sunday, January 18, 2015

PHP basic page - learning to program php - lesson 01


I started to program some php to make a web site with a database
To do so you need to install 2 programs.

For apache server and my sql server:

To edit your mysql tables:

Also, the web server will not start if SKYPE is open and use port 80
(or anything that use port 80 for that matter)

Installing WAMP will create in your C drive a folder like this: C:\wamp
Inside it, a web folder: C:\wamp\www
index.php is the starting file for the server
You should add a sub folder for a project you make like this:
Then in this folder create a index.php file with notepad2 (for the colors)

Inside index.php you can have a HTML part:

------------------------- index.php file start ----------------------------
<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><div align="center"> 

<title>my web site</title>



------------ comments start -------------

Now, since we are not newbs, we want to use inner html to build our page dynamically
So we insert a DIV zone called "zoneright"
Then a java script that will use inner html to update the content of that zone
Then a OD_flush et and flush to refresh the content (empty any buffer that was sent to your browser and apply change) without reloading the page

------------ comments end -------------

// $h is a variable to put html content
$h= "Nice web page that update dynamically";
// create a DIV zone with a name to use innrehtml later
$h.="<div id='zoneright'></div>";

// push the html content in the browser
echo $h;

// dynamic data to insert into the inner html zone "zoneright"
$h2 = "test 44";

// send a java script to the browser that will update the innerhtml zone for us
// syntax tip: before $h2 is a double quote " then a single quote '
// syntax tip: after $h2 is a single quote ' then a double quote "
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
  document.getElementById("zoneright").innerHTML = "'.$h2.'";
// empty all browser buffers to update the web page right now
// wait 2 sec
sleep (2);

// new content
$h2 = "test 45";

// send another script to change inner html content for the new data in $h2
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
  document.getElementById("zoneright").innerHTML = "'.$h2.'";
// force brower to update right now again

-------------------- index.php file end ---------------------------

Now, save the index.php file
And load the local web site in your browser

Now you learned to do some php, innerhtml and force a refresh on a page

Next, we will learn to use buttons to update the page content